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Webmaster: Hans-Joachim Strutz
Last Updated: 07.11.2023
‘Christian’, you who believe in ‘eternal hell,’ what is “RIGHTEOUSNESS” to you? God reconciled ALL to Himself! ALL are righteous before God! 2 Corinthians 5:19 “how that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself , not reckoning their trespasses to them, and having put into us the word of reconciliation.” - Berean Literal Bible ‘Christian’, God’s reconciling the world to Himself means God has taken the whole world back into His arms! It means that God has declared the whole world as being acceptable to Him, as being RIGHTEOUS , having cleared the conscience slates of the whole world from HIS side! God has pardoned ALL the trespasses of the whole world, not thinking about any of these trespasses anymore! Fact is, those who do NOT believe this, their conscience slates are still stained from THEIR side, keeping them from inner peace! With their unbelief they inflict misery upon themselves! The whole world is miserable! The whole world is at war with each other! The whole world does not know this verse, let alone believing it. Sadly, you are no exception, at least regarding the second part, the ‘believing’ part. Through the prophet Isaiah God has already addressed this way back. Isaiah 43:25 “I, yes I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake and remembers your sins no more.” - Berean Standard Bible See what Paul has to say in the very next verse: 2 Corinthians 5:20 “Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God is beseeching through us. We implore on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God. - Berean Literal Bible Paul and his fellow believers were ambassadors for Christ and they IMPLORE all unbelievers to be reconciled to God! This simply means God already has done His part, but what about YOU ‘Christian’, who believe in ‘everlasting damnation’? Did you reconcile yourself to God, especially regarding God’s universal reconciliation of the whole world to Himself, having the world become the righteousness of God? No You believe the lying pen of scribes! Jeremiah 8:8 ““’How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?” - New International Version See below: 2 Corinthians 5:21 “God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” - Berean Standard Bible ‘Christian’, can you see just HOW incongruent the translating scribe is here (sneaky rather) around the righteousness of the world (#2889 κόσμον ( cosmos ))? Verse 19 explicitly states that God does NOT reckon ANYBODY’S sins anymore. Now in verse 21 , all of a sudden, this statement is turned into DOUBT ! With what? With grammar ! With a modal auxiliary verb might and the subjunctive mood. The subjunctive mood has primarily to do with uncertainty and comes in very handy on the playground of ego-driven hermeneutics. Seeding doubt when it comes to God’s Grace , is an abomination to God, with a penalty too severe to imagine! Jesus rebuked hypocrisy and exclusivity ! “God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we become the righteousness of God.” #1096 : genōmetha – γενώμεθα Meaning: we become Do you ever question any high-ranking Theologian who expresses exclusivity of the ‘few elect’? Most unlikely. Do you put these high profile academics on a pedestal, accepting what they say, because of not only their titles, but also their ‘soothing’ words? Do you at all see the “ego feeds ego” scenario here? the Bible is the TOP best-selling Book ever, because of the everlasting -hell-myth” and thus means to control. Truth doesn’t sell. Never did. Satan exploits the ego- and gullibility of the human race. 2 Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” - Berean Standard Bible Jesus has the Greatest Title, and yet, He was the EPITOME of HUMBLENESS on earth to set the example. Paul had titles and credentials galore, but he discarded them all. Philippians 3:8 “More than that, I count all things as loss compared to the surpassing excellence of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ” - Berean Standard Bible Since God reconciled everybody to Himself, He reckons everybody to be good enough! This has an ENORMOUS implication! Anybody who is told he or she is good enough feels warmth, feels accepted, feels LOVED ! Concerning YOU , ‘Christian’ , who do not accept the verse above (without of course the “might”), it goes without saying that you do NOT feel good enough yourself. Experience is speaking here, experience of your sarcasm, your haughtiness, your meanness, your conceit and your backlashes to those challenging you. Had you loved yourself, you would have had a totally different attitude, an attitude that would have drawn people from all walks of life, having set the stage for them to follow suit! Had the world known the TRUE Jesus Christ, there would NOT have been ANY WARS at all! Who will introduce THIS Jesus Christ to them? You? NO! Agape love cares and is DIRECT. Agape love has NO exclusivity, ONLY inclusivity! The God of the Bible has a place-, a purpose- and a plan for ALL. Everyone accepting Christ has the power to make a difference, of making the dent of global pain progressively smaller. The offensive of love ALWAYS defeats the offensive of hatred!
Copyright © 2020 to 2025 Willien Strutz All rights reserved. Webmaster: Hans-Joachim Strutz A to Z Subjects
Last Updated: 07.11.2023
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‘Christian’, you who believe in ‘eternal hell,’ what is “RIGHTEOUSNESS” to you? God reconciled ALL to Himself! ALL are righteous before God! 2 Corinthians 5:19 “how that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself , not reckoning their trespasses to them, and having put into us the word of reconciliation.” - Berean Literal Bible ‘Christian’, God’s reconciling the world to Himself means God has taken the whole world back into His arms! It means that God has declared the whole world as being acceptable to Him, as being RIGHTEOUS , having cleared the conscience slates of the whole world from HIS side! God has pardoned ALL the trespasses of the whole world, not thinking about any of these trespasses anymore! Fact is, those who do NOT believe this, their conscience slates are still stained from THEIR side, keeping them from inner peace! With their unbelief they inflict misery upon themselves! The whole world is miserable! The whole world is at war with each other! The whole world does not know this verse, let alone believing it. Sadly, you are no exception, at least regarding the second part, the ‘believing’ part. Through the prophet Isaiah God has already addressed this way back. Isaiah 43:25 “I, yes I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake and remembers your sins no more.” - Berean Standard Bible See what Paul has to say in the very next verse: 2 Corinthians 5:20 “Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God is beseeching through us. We implore on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God. - Berean Literal Bible Paul and his fellow believers were ambassadors for Christ and they IMPLORE all unbelievers to be reconciled to God! This simply means God already has done His part, but what about YOU ‘Christian’, who believe in ‘everlasting damnation’? Did you reconcile yourself to God, especially regarding God’s universal reconciliation of the whole world to Himself, having the world become the righteousness of God? No You believe the lying pen of scribes! Jeremiah 8:8 ““’How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?” - New International Version See below: 2 Corinthians 5:21 “God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” - Berean Standard Bible ‘Christian’, can you see just HOW incongruent the translating scribe is here (sneaky rather) around the righteousness of the world (#2889 κόσμον ( cosmos ))? Verse 19 explicitly states that God does NOT reckon ANYBODY’S sins anymore. Now in verse 21 , all of a sudden, this statement is turned into DOUBT ! With what? With grammar ! With a modal auxiliary verb might and the subjunctive mood. The subjunctive mood has primarily to do with uncertainty and comes in very handy on the playground of ego-driven hermeneutics. Seeding doubt when it comes to God’s Grace , is an abomination to God, with a penalty too severe to imagine! Jesus rebuked hypocrisy and exclusivity ! “God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we become the righteousness of God.” #1096 : genōmetha – γενώμεθα Meaning: we become Do you ever question any high-ranking Theologian who expresses exclusivity of the ‘few elect’? Most unlikely. Do you put these high profile academics on a pedestal, accepting what they say, because of not only their titles, but also their ‘soothing’ words? Do you at all see the “ego feeds ego” scenario here? the Bible is the TOP best- selling Book ever, because of the everlasting -hell-myth” and thus means to control. Truth doesn’t sell. Never did. Satan exploits the ego- and gullibility of the human race. 2 Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” - Berean Standard Bible Jesus has the Greatest Title, and yet, He was the EPITOME of HUMBLENESS on earth to set the example. Paul had titles and credentials galore, but he discarded them all. Philippians 3:8 “More than that, I count all things as loss compared to the surpassing excellence of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ” - Berean Standard Bible Since God reconciled everybody to Himself, He reckons everybody to be good enough! This has an ENORMOUS implication! Anybody who is told he or she is good enough feels warmth, feels accepted, feels LOVED ! Concerning YOU , ‘Christian’ , who do not accept the verse above (without of course the “might”), it goes without saying that you do NOT feel good enough yourself. Experience is speaking here, experience of your sarcasm, your haughtiness, your meanness, your conceit and your backlashes to those challenging you. Had you loved yourself, you would have had a totally different attitude, an attitude that would have drawn people from all walks of life, having set the stage for them to follow suit! Had the world known the TRUE Jesus Christ, there would NOT have been ANY WARS at all! Who will introduce THIS Jesus Christ to them? You? NO! Agape love cares and is DIRECT. Agape love has NO exclusivity, ONLY inclusivity! The God of the Bible has a place-, a purpose- and a plan for ALL. Everyone accepting Christ has the power to make a difference, of making the dent of global pain progressively smaller. The offensive of love ALWAYS defeats the offensive of hatred!