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Last Updated: 02.01.2025
IN PLAIN SIGHT around the world Symbols, rooted in ancient Egypt Symbols, carried to the Roman Empire Symbols as foundation of freemasonanary Symbols despsing the God of the Bible Symbols depicting the worship of Lucifer Fake piety as cover up for hidden behaviours In Plain Sight? Yes 666 All seeing eye Lucifer is Satan and his fertility obsession Lucifer became Satan as part of God’s Plan Lucifer’s ode to himself The symbols and architectural components, reflected above, are elements screaming to open oblivious eyes to the extent of control the once brilliant ‘morning star’ Lucifer, now called Satan, has on the whole world to this day in government buildings, courts, universities and theological faculties and -seminaries as well! Since God made Satan the ruler of the world and since he, Satan, is the father of lies, he calls the shots in these buildings! And, what’s more, this is EXACTLY where the lie of ‘eternal damnation’ is kept intact, in theological institutions , manifested in so-called ‘Christian churches’ ! Satan hates Christ and does his utmost to maintain his portrayal of the Saviour of ALL humanity as not being a Saviour of ALL at all’, but as one who will annihilate trillions upon trillions! Christ Himself is the Teacher with authority , not those in manmade institutions with pagan symbols! Mark 1:21-22 21  And they go into Capernaum; and immediately on the Sabbaths, having entered into the synagogue, He was teaching. 22  And they were astonished at His teaching, for He was teaching them as having authority, and not as the scribes.” - Berean Literal Bible JESUS is the ONE who opens minds to understand Scriptures! Just see what He did for His eleven illiterate disciples: Luke 24:45 “Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” - Berean Standard Bible And what about Paul? Paul received revelation directly from Christ too! Galatians 1:12 “I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.” - Berean Standard Bible Do scribes today understand Romans 4:5 , let alone believe? NO, they DON’T! Why? Because hermeneutics feature in theological seminaries, NOT Christ! Besides, who wrote Romans 4:5 ? Paul! Do scribes preach Romans 4:5 ? No, too dangerous for them! Back to the ex-morning star The Lord spoke through Isaiah, talking to who once was the morning star… Isaiah 14:12 “How you have fallen from heaven, O day star , son of the dawn ! You have been cut down to the ground, O destroyer of nations .” - Berean Standard Bible Jesus said in Luke 10:18 that He saw Satan fell from heaven. Luke 10:18 “So He told them, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” - Berean Standard Bible Go check if you can find any version mentioning the “the” here. This very masculine gender has an immense implication, specifically when it comes to male dominance, even to this day! Satan is a “he” and he is the founder of misogyny ! That is why he targeted Eve, and not Adam in Eden in the first place. Satan hates women more than men as he knew that the woman is the superior one able to bear his most ardent Enemy, the man Jesus Christ, carnal image of the GOD of the universe! So there you have it, male dominance being his sheer pleasure to take revenge on the woman, portraying her as being the inferior- and passive gender of disgrace. Moreover, having his symbolic masculine darts of lust, obscurely displayed all over in his architectural shows of pomp. He, Lucifer, was disgraced by God, his inferiority complex synonymous with revenge ! And, to put an extra nail in his coffin, Jesus’ admiration of women was taken to its highest level when He first appeared to Mary Magdalene after His resurrection! Not even the ‘hailed Mary’ came into play. Oh, how brilliantly cunning he is, Lucifer , the once bright morning star! But, he was NOT a bright morning star for long, for he fell and was thrown down from heaven by none other than the TRUE GOD of the universe, the CREATOR of ALL , the GOD of the BIBLE ! And with what did God throw him out, by the way? With His powerful light , with a lightning bolt Lucifer could not withstand! God’s Light was light years more powerful than his. In that very moment Lucifer’s name was changed to Satan, which means “adversary / deceiver”. That very moment Jesus became Satan’s Enemy number One and the Jesus-mocking lie was born! The lie of ‘eternal damnation’ Straight from the Roman Empire Who was Satan’s main target to set the stage for this disgusting lie? The Roman Empire , cradle mat of the Catholic Church . It is this very church which set the stage for the Christ-mocking lie of ‘everlasting hell’! Hence, the [by the way] two ‘strategically-used’ keys are flaunted around in their most pompous- and glittering structure of wealth on earth, the St. Peter’s Basilica , fitting the gates   of   this   very   hell they proclaim and not the gates of heaven at all! Extreme suffering awaits those believing in this filthy lie. This will be an unimaginable suffering (albeit temporary) at the feet of the very Christ they scorn. Their filth-stained robes will be washed white in the Holy Blood of the TRUE Christ ( Revelation 7:14 ). Is the Roman Catholic church indeed Christ’s church, the one He referred to in Matthew 16:18? NO! Read below and see what Jesus REALLY said to Peter Matthew 16:15-19 15  “But what about you?” Jesus asked. “Who do you say I am?” 16  Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ , the Son of the living God.” 17  Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven. 18  And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church , and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it . 19  I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven . Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”” - Berean Standard Bible So, let’s unravel the verses above Simon Peter was called “Peter” by Jesus, since that name signifies "rock" or "stone“. This metaphor for steadfastness highlights Peter’s foundational- and leading Apostolic role in establishing Jesus Christ’ church on earth, the church that would conquer the gates of Hades (i.e. death ). And what does “Christ” mean? Messiah . That is the anointed Saviour, the Supreme Leader of ALL! So then, what does it in effect mean that Peter was the “rock” Christ’s church will be built upon? It simply means THAT , which Peter was preaching, was the GOOD NEWS of Christ that death was to be conquered altogether ( 1 Corinthians 15:26 )! And, what does My church in verse 18 mean? A building? NO! It means the global human assembly of Christ’s global family, that all people will make it to heaven eventually! Peter was an Apostle to PROMOTE Christ, not to ACT in the place of Christ, that is being a substitute for Christ. It’s preposterous! Peter was to PREACH the TRUE MESSAGE of the Good News of Christ the Messaiah, the Saviour of ALL humanity. And what are the keys of the Kingdom of heaven Jesus gave Peter? They are the two symbolic authorising components of either binding , or loosening THAT which is unlawful , or lawful respectively, when it comes to access to the Kingdom of heaven , which is Christ Himself ( Luke 17:20-21 ). Christ IS the Kingdom of heaven and there is only ONE means of getting access to Him and that is the FAITH in Him to be the Messiah, who has already saved the whole world at Golgotha through His shed Blood. It’s ALL about the FAITH in Christ! If you don’t believe the above, you have NO access. If you believe in the above, you HAVE access. Simple as that. The faith is what determines the access to Christ. 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you , not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance .” - Berean Literal Bible 2 Peter 3:15 “And esteem the patience of our Lord as salvation , just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom having been given to him,” - Berean Literal Bible What did Paul say to Titus? Titus 2:11 “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to everyone .” - Berean Literal Bible So, Peter and Paul preached salvation for ALL. And the global Catholic ? NO, not at ALL! The Catholic church mocks Christ at every opportunity. So, they’re NOT off the hook and has NO impunity? The Catholic Church mocks Christ with pagan vestments Did Jesus ever walk around with pagan fish-mouth-like mitres? NO Did He ever walk with a solid gold, pine cone decorated staff? NO Did He walk around with a giant Atacama pagan symbol? NO Did He ever wear a red Maltese cross, or a hexagram? NO Did He ever wear a burst of sun rays around Mary? NO Did He ever wear a flashy ring on any finger? NO Did He ever wear gem decorated crosses? NO Did He ever wear attire of pure silk? NO So, are Popes models for Christ? NO They’re embracing pagan gods They’re worshiping Satan in an oblivious world Christ WILL repay maybe today And the cherry on the [mitre] cake? The manmade image of ‘Mary’, surrounded by a sunburst of straight- and curved sun rays, with her feet on a crescent moon and with above her head, a crown, depicting her to be a queen! Straight and curved sun rays? Yes, the pagan sunburst, illustrating fertility, with the curved rays being no sunrays at all, but depictions of curvature in female anatomy. The straight rays indeed sunrays, resembling male anatomy. Please see for yourself the basic form of the sunburst in a monstrance, with the sun disc fitted within the crescent (lunar). On mere pagan symbols of fertility, pages upon pages can be written and the Catholic church is saturated with them. Just pay a visit to the St. Peter’s basilica alone and see all the columns, capitals, triangles, scallop shells, suns, moon crescents, and bees galore. In ancient pagan ‘civilizations’ it was all about fertility and regeneration, with the self-fertilizing scallop shell being the pagan version of ‘everlasting life’. What do you think the obelisk is? A phallus in plain sight, right in front of the St. Peter’s Basilica and straight from Egypt. Most disgusting are the eight scurrilous depictions of the female anatomy, portraying the birth stages of Christ at the feet of the four-columned Baldacchino of Bernini over the main altar. Main altar ? Well, their version of an altar, by the looks of the ‘homage’ paid to it. Do any of those hundreds of thousands walking around that monstrosity, even see those grotesque and bestial masques at the bottom of each convex escutcheon? I doubt it. It’s mockery of Christ in its highest form, and all that in the supposedly spiritual centre of Christendom. What a farce! Jesus’s birth wasn’t even described in the Bible at all! See, Jesus doesn’t feature anywhere in this church, as He’s always depicted as a baby. Then one asks oneself the question, is that baby Christ, or is it perhaps Horus, the pagan son of Isis and Osiris? I just HAVE to speak out here, for my Christ, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. JESUS CHRIST is HOLY ! You don’t mess with Him, ever! Jesus Christ is SO Holy that He declared you and me and ALL humanity already HOLY as well! Did you know this? Have you ever read Colossians 1:22 ? It doesn’t look like it, does it? Colossians 1:22 “But now He has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy , unblemished, and blameless in His presence —” - Berean Standard Bible It’s preposterous to even think anyone can act holy by one’s feeble attempts. We are dealing with an ALMIGHTY GOD here, for crying out loudly! ONLY a HOLY God can declare ANYONE holy, and that is out and out through HIS GRACE! Sorry, I’m shouting here, but goodness, how ignorant can one get? Jesus Christ is ALL about GRACE. Please go read the last verse in the Bible, the verse where Jesus has the last say. Revelation 22:21 “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.” - NET Bible And let’s talk for a moment about the Eucharist. Christ’s birth had NOTHING to do with sunrays, let alone with a sunburst. Sunrays are not holy, let alone the straight- and curved sunrays, depicting a sunburst in virtually all monstrances, the ‘sacred’ vessels that carry the so-called ‘Holy Eucharist’ sun disc within the ‘sacred’ luna . What has Christ in any case to do with the sun and the moon? NOTHING! He created them, not the other way around! In ancient Egyptian paganism it was ALL about regeneration. Besides, how can ANYONE pay any homage to Christ with pagan symbols? It’s outrageous. Just check all the symbolism reflected in monstrances. There is no solemnity around Christ, ONLY JOY! Please read what God has to say about solemnity in Amos 5:21 . To relax in Christ is to stop trying to impress Him! Rather swear at HIM than at someone else! He won’t strike you with lightning! He LOVES you, whatever you do. Now, having touched the subject of “swearing” at God, let me elaborate here. What does swearing at God in essence mean? It means a lot of things. Number one, it means that the one who believes in the Truth of Christ, having saved ALL humanity already, that one has kept his or her authenticity and swearing at God (or Christ if you will) is part and parcel of that authenticity. It’s called freedom in Christ! And this very freedom is the safety one feels within Him as being the ONLY One who understands one’s heart, NOT any person, but Christ Himself! Didn’t Christ say Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest in Matthew 11:28 ? Christ wants the ALL of you, your anger and rage included! It’s a compliment to HIM if you do that, because of your TRUST in Him in all! Pretentious piety is an insult to Him, simply because that fake piety is arrogance in disguise, self-proclaimed superiority in other words. By the way, who do you think gave you anger and rage? CHRIST , for Christ’s sake, who else? 1 Corinthians 4:7 “For who makes you so superior ? What do you have that you did not receive ? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?” - Berean Standard Bible Now that we are on the “piety” subject, let’s again address Colossians 1:22 as this verse is of utmost importance to understand. Colossians 1:22 “But now He has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy , unblemished, and blameless in His presence —” - Berean Standard Bible To start here with Christ’s death, nobody on this earth has the slightest idea of the indescribable suffering Christ went through for each and every one on earth! It’s beyond human comprehension the composite enormity of His pain. THAT is how He esteems you and me and ALL humanity. Yes, He causes everything, good and evil alike, but He ALSO paid for that in TOTALITY! THAT is why He said He couldn’t wait to kindle the fire. What fire? Himself, being the Lake of Fire. Luke 12:49 “I have come to ignite a fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” - Berean Standard Bible And why did He say that? Because He knew how He was to suffer first and had to endure indescribable scorn and humiliation as carnal man, in order to receive the GLORY afterwards, not only glory for Himself, but ALSO for all of humanity! Hebrews 12:2 “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame , and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” - New International Version Now, for the crux of the matter, can you for one moment grasp the immense insult it is to Him, who is the Holy Spirit, when THIS sacrifice of His regarded subordinate to your so-called free will and choice? Because that is exactly what you believe, ‘free will’, right? You trample on His Blood, on His GRACE! Hebrews 10:28-29 28  Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29  How much more severely do you think one deserves to be punished who has trampled on the Son of God, profaned the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and insulted the Spirit of grace?” - New International Version What did Paul say about the reconciliation of God with mankind? 2 Corinthians 5:19-20 19  that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men’s trespasses against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20  Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God .” - New International Version Have you reconciled with God? Are you accepting His immense gift of GRACE, not having to do ANYTHING anymore, besides just being grateful and loving? NO, on both occasions. Otherwise you wouldn’t need any props like churches, monstrances, prayer beads, crucifixes, or ‘Holy Communion’ ceremonies at all, to honour Him. Just “BE”! You, Catholic, do you know Christ? Obviously not, otherwise you wouldn’t have to touch tangible prayer beads, or - haloed icons to feel His Presence, albeit with pseudo ardour . The Apostle Peter loved his Lord with ALL his heart, his Lord who was so inconspicuous that Judas had to kiss Him for the mob to recognise Him. Jesus was the epitome of humbleness, with not even a roof over His head, or a pillow to rest on. Obviously Peter did not had you in mind when he wrote the verse below. Peter wrote to his fellow Christians. Had Peter been here today to see how your so-called church is mocking his Lord, he would have wept non-stop! Besides, would you, who are so captivated by the flamboyant, have recognised Jesus in His simple fashion at all? Moreover, do you have the inexpressible and glorious joy Peter talks about here? Most unlikely, simply because your arrogance keeps you away from having it. 1 Peter 1:8 “Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and rejoice with an inexpressible and glorious joy,” - Berean Literal Bible Jesus , although being the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE , was seen on earth as the epitome of unobtrusive humbleness, as the man Christ Jesus. He was and still is the ONLY mediator between God and men. No one can ever act in the place of Christ at all. The Apostle Peter NEVER acted in the place of Him! And neither did the others! 1 Timothy 2:5 “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus ,” - Berean Standard Bible Who gives ANYONE the right to be even called a Vicar of Christ ’, and moreover, especially when that one is paying tribute to pagan gods all over the ‘Roman catholic show’? And not only that, if that one displays extravagant pomp, like suffocating gold-embroidered mitres, gold-threaded chasubles and solid gold sceptres with pine cones, does this extravaganza represent Christ, or the ex-cherub, named Lucifer? Please read Ezekiel 28:13 and think again. Catholics have been taken for a ride for over a millennium by Satan and to this day they are in oblivion about all the pagan gods still at play in their ritual-filled society. It’s none other than these rituals that numb their minds to even compare the simplicity of Christ with the ‘Vicar’s’ pomp and pageantry. They’ve never experienced the consolation Christ gives within an intimate relationship with Him, simply because of being perpetually