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Webmaster: Hans-Joachim Strutz
‘Christian’, When your Mask Comes Off your true colours show Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” - Berean Standard Bible Masks have an uncanny way of coming off when least expected. Why is there such a façade in your ‘Christian’ community around the globe? Because of none other than a deep-seated insecurity. This being molded in fear , fear due to the absurdity of a nonsensical eschatology of ‘everlasting damnation’ from the GOD of GRACE , the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Fear of what? Fear of going to the ‘everlasting hell’ you proclaim. Fear of not measuring up in the society you live in. Members of your own society put pressure on you to act ‘appropriately’ i.e. piously. But, as always is the case of the lie, this façade takes its toll, in the form of stress. It only takes one trigger to detonate the explosion from underneath, especially from an outsider. Being questioned about the validity of your damning doctrine is enough to make a 180° turnaround from a sanctimonious voice tone to one of either blatant retaliation, or total silence. Matthew 15:7-9 7  You hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied correctly about you: 8  ‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. 9  They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.’”” - Berean Standard Bible Where else does this “eternal hell” doctrine stem from than from the precepts of men, given to them by the Adversary himself, cunningly using hermeneutics as the perfect tool way back already? See, Satan hates the loving Christ and brilliantly portrays Him as being a ‘killer‘ Christ, using fear to forcibly get Bible readers in his web. What you ‘eternal- hell- believing-Christians’ in effect say is that if one believes in the good news of Christ, one goes straight to ‘hell’. Thus, your books say “to steer clear from the good news of Christ for ALL mankind, is to stay safe”, not so? How ridiculous can it get? It’s mind boggling. It’s like a puppet saying there is no such thing as a puppeteer.
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Last Updated: 06.10.2024
Copyright © 2020 to 2025 Willien Strutz All rights reserved. Webmaster: Hans-Joachim Strutz A to Z Subjects
Last Updated: 06.10.2024
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‘Christian’, When your Mask Comes Off your true colours show Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” - Berean Standard Bible Masks have an uncanny way of coming off when least expected. Why is there such a façade in your ‘Christian’ community around the globe? Because of none other than a deep-seated insecurity. This being molded in fear , fear due to the absurdity of a nonsensical eschatology of ‘everlasting damnation’ from the GOD of GRACE , the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Fear of what? Fear of going to the ‘everlasting hell’ you proclaim. Fear of not measuring up in the society you live in. Members of your own society put pressure on you to act ‘appropriately’ i.e. piously. But, as always is the case of the lie, this façade takes its toll, in the form of stress. It only takes one trigger to detonate the explosion from underneath, especially from an outsider. Being questioned about the validity of your damning doctrine is enough to make a 180° turnaround from a sanctimonious voice tone to one of either blatant retaliation, or total silence. Matthew 15:7-9 7  You hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied correctly about you: 8  ‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. 9  They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.’”” - Berean Standard Bible Where else does this “eternal hell” doctrine stem from than from the precepts of men, given to them by the Adversary himself, cunningly using hermeneutics as the perfect tool way back already? See, Satan hates the loving Christ and brilliantly portrays Him as being a ‘killer‘ Christ, using fear to forcibly get Bible readers in his web. What you ‘eternal- hell-believing-Christians’ in effect say is that if one believes in the good news of Christ, one goes straight to ‘hell’. Thus, your books say “to steer clear from the good news of Christ for ALL mankind, is to stay safe”, not so? How ridiculous can it get? It’s mind boggling. It’s like a puppet saying there is no such thing as a puppeteer.