NgokukaJohane 3:17 “Ngokuba uNkulunkulu kayithumelanga iNdodana ezweni ukuba yahlulele izwe, kodwa ukuba izwe lisindiswe ngayo .” - IBHAYIBHELI ELINGCWELE (ZUL59) UNkulunkulu weBhayibheli unguNkulunkulu oneNHLOSO! UNkulunkulu uBaba wathumela iNdodana Yakhe uJesu Kristu KUQALA ukusindisa umhlaba njengoKristu uMsindisi. Bese kuza ukwahlulela ngoKristu, uMahluleli womhlaba ( 2 Korinte 5:10 ). Asikho isidingo sokugxila kalula kuJohane 3:16 kuphela, ikakhulukazi njengoba ehlobene ‘nabakholwayo. BONKE bayokholwa ngoba uJesu ungumqambi nomphelelisi wokukholwa ( KumaHeberu 12:2 ). Noma ngubani ONGAKHOLWA ukuthi uJesu usewusindisile umhlaba wonke ngokufa kwakhe uyokuma phambi kukaKristu ngosuku lokugcina! Lokho uJesu ayezele ukuzokwenza emhlabeni, wakwenza ngempela! NgokukaJohane 19:28-30 28  Emva kwalokho uJesu, ekwazi ukuthi konke sekuphelelisiwe ukuba umbhalo ugcwaliseke , wathi: “Ngomile.” 29  Kwakubekiwe khona isitsha sigcwele uviniga; khona bachoma ilula ligcwele uviniga othini lwehisopi,* baliyisa emlonyeni wakhe. 30  Kwathi ukuba uJesu ewamukele uviniga, wathi: “ Kufeziwe ;” wagebisa ikhanda, wafa.” - IBHAYIBHELI ELINGCWELE (ZUL59) igcinwe kude umhlaba lonke kuze kube namuhla futhi akekho omunye ngaphandle kwe zamanje 2.3 billion ‘AmaKristu’! nikeza ukuthula kwangaphakathi nokuzola ezweni elineziyaluyalu zobuhlungu kubhebhezela izingxabano neziyaluyalu ehlazisa uKristu futhi ehluleka uvivinyo Umuntu akakwazi ukuvuma iqiniso kuyilapho ephika amanga. Umuntu akakwazi ukubona amanga ngaphandle kokubona iqiniso. Kuze kube manje, ayikho inkolo emhlabeni eye yabangela ubuhlungu nokuhlupheka okungaka njengenkolo ebilokhu isebenza ngaphansi kwegama elithi “ubuKristu” kusukela ngo-325 CE. Futhi okubi kunakho konke ukuthi ngisho namanje, ngemva kweminyaka ecishe ibe ngu-1 700, lisamemezela ukuthi limelela uNkulunkulu weBhayibheli, uNkulunkulu ka-Abrahama, u-Isaka noJakobe. Uma ufuna ukukhuluma ngokuhlubuka, asikho isidingo sokufuna okunye. Lobu buKristu enibaziyo namuhla buyinhlangano ehlubukayo egcwele ukuzidla, ukulawula, ukuzenzisa, ukwahlukana, ububi, inzondo, ukuzidla, ubugwala, intukuthelo, umona, ubugovu, umhawu, ukuxabana phakathi kwabantu, ukuhleba, ukunyundela, ubuqhwaga, ukuhleba; i-codependency, futhi uhlu luyaqhubeka. Futhi kungani konke lokhu? Ngoba ‘ubuKristu’ bamanga buyinkolo, eboshelwe emithethweni futhi elukwe ukwesaba. UbuKristu beqiniso AKUSIYO inkolo. Iveza inkululeko eboshelwe othandweni ngaphakathi koBukhona bukaKristu. Lokho okubizwa ngokuthi isonto lobuKristu alikhululekile nhlobo. SINYE kuphela isizathu salokhu. UMoya kaKristu awukho kulomphakathi ohlukahlukene wezigidigidi ezi-2.3 kanye nazo zonke izigidi zawo zezakhiwo zesonto emhlabeni wonke ( IZenzo 7:48 ). UKristu akekho phakathi kobukhazikhazi nombukiso, amasiko angcwele, izigubhu ezijabulisayo esiteji, ukugcina amadili amaJuda, izinkinobho "zomnikelo" nothando lwemali. Nakuba leli bandla, egameni elithi “UbuKristu” linamahlelo amaningi kangaka, izici ezintathu ezivamile ezihlanganyelwa yibo bonke, ukulahlwa okuphakade ”, imithetho kanye nemikhuba ”. Yonke imithetho yabo nezinqubo zokuphika umusa zimane ziyizibopho zobugqila zokukhulula onembeza babo abanecala futhi bathole isitembu sokuvunyelwa esingcwelisayo. Kodwa, ngeze. Ukukhungatheka ngenxa yokungakwazi ukusekela ukuzinikela kwabo okuzenzisa yikho okubangela ukuziphatha kwabo. Lelibandla seliphumele emhlabeni amakhulu eminyaka, lisakaza amanga okulahlwa kwaphakade, ezigidini ngezigidi zabantu abangenalwazi, behleka usulu umusa kaKristu futhi bezitika ngokwesaba kwabo. Baphoqa imiphakathi yezwe lesithathu esengozini ukuba ikholelwe ‘kuKristu’ wamanga ‘oyobaqothula esihogweni somlilo’, uma bengakholwa. Ingabe lezi zithunywa zevangeli ziletha nhlobo izindaba ezinhle zikaKristu? Akudingekile ukuphendula. Lokho la malungu esonto angenandaba nakho ngokuphelele yiqiniso lokuthi wona ngokwawo amiselwe ukuwela kuso kanye ‘lesihogo somlilo’ asongela ngaso izilaleli zawo. Kodwa kunomehluko ongenakuqhathaniswa phakathi kwesihogo somlilo abawumemezelayo kanye nesihogo somlilo’ sesAmbulo 21:8 , lokhu kwakamuva kuwukufa kwesikhashana kwesiyalo (iChibi Lomlilo), okuyonqotshwa uKristu ( 1 Korinte 15:26 ). Ngiyabonga Nkosi. sesAmbulo 21:8 “Kepha amagwala, nabangakholwayo, nabanengekayo, nababulali, nezifebe, nabathakathi, nabakhonza izithombe, nabo bonke abaqamba amanga, isabelo sabo siyakuba sechibini elivutha umlilo nesibabule, okungukufa kwesibili.”” - IBHAYIBHELI ELINGCWELE (ZUL59) Ngaphezu kwalokho, ngenxa yalamanga amabi, wona kanye lamalungu esonto anecala lesono esingenakuthethelelwa iBhayibheli elikhuluma ngaso, iseqo esiletha isijeziso esinzima kakhulu esingenakugwenywa, njengoba sibonakala kuMathewu 12:31-32 namaHeberu 10:28-29 . "Ukungaxolelwa" kusho "ukungaphumi ngaphandle kwesijeziso". IGazi likaKristu akufanele lidlalwe, nanini! Kusho ukuthini lokhu “kulahlwa okuphakade” abakushumayelayo? Kusho ukuthi iGazi likaJesu elachitheka laliyize futhi lalingenawo amandla okusindisa labo abangamkhethanga, lenza iGazi lakhe libe lincane. Futhi akugcini lapho, Ubani owavusa uJesu kwabafileyo? UMoya wakhe (kaJesu) oNgcwele wakwenza lokho ( KwabaseRoma 8:11 ). Ingabe bathathu oMoya oNgcwele? Cha, Munye kuphela! UJESU UNGUMOYA ONGCWELE futhi watshela abafundi bakhe ukuthi kuJohane 14:17 . UMoya wakhe oNgcwele unike BONKE abantu ukuphila okuphakade ( KwabaseRoma 8:10 ). ‘UbuKristu’ bamanga buyakwenqaba lokhu ngokumemezela ukufa okuphakade futhi kanjalo buhlambalaze uMoya oNgcwele! KumaHeberu 10:28-29 28  Odelele umthetho kaMose uyakufa engahawukelwa ngezwi lawofakazi ababili noma bebathathu; 29  pho, nithi ufanele ukushaywa kangakanani kunalokho lowo onyathele phansi iNdodana kaNkulunkulu, wadelela igazi lesivumelwano angcweliswa ngalo, wahlambalaza uMoya womusa, na? ” - IBHAYIBHELI ELINGCWELE (ZUL59) Umphostoli uPawulu akazange avume uJesu lapho eshushisa ibandla ( IzEnzo 8:3 nabaseGalathiya 1:13 ), ngaleyo ndlela enyathela eGazini likaJesu. Ingabe uPawulu wayengenaso isijeziso? Cha. Wahlupheka kakhulu ( Izenzo 9:16 ) ngenxa yalokho, naphezu kweqiniso lokuthi waphenduka kakhulu futhi wabhapathizwa kuKristu (uKristu Weqiniso). Nokho, ngenxa yokholo lwakhe olulungile ayesanda kuluthola kanye noMbhapathizo [weqiniso] owalandela, Amandla kaJesu noMusa ayephezu kwakhe ukuze aqedele ubizo lwakhe lokusakaza iVangeli leQiniso ( 2 Korinte 12:19 ). Sengikushilo konke lokhu kusho ukuthini kumuntu osaphila? Lapho umuntu eqaphela ukuthi unyathele eGazini likaKristu, uba nokuzisola okukhulu, avume lobu bugebengu obunyantisayo, aphenduke ngokujulile, avume obala IQiniso lokubuyisana kukaJesu okuphakade nesintu sonke futhi abhapathizwe * kuKristu Weqiniso ngenjabulo [hhayi. ngokwesaba inkolelo endala], uyasindiswa ekujezisweni nguNkulunkulu esikhathini esizayo “echibini lomlilo” ( 1 Korinte 11:32 ). Isihe Saphakade sesiyisivumelwano esenziwe, nakuba ukuhlupheka kwesikhashana kuhambisana naloMusa. Kodwa ITHEMBA elikhulu umuntu analo, lenza lokhu kuhlupheka kube okukufanele. Kungcono ukuba lokhu kuhlupheka kwenzeke emhlabeni kakade kunokuba kube ‘sechibini lomlilo’ kamuva. LENA yincazelo yeyoku - 1 Korinte 11:32 . * Sicela ubhekisele "Baptism" ekhasini elithi ”A-Z Subjects” (kuphela ngesiNgisi) Futhi kuthiwani ngalabo asebefile, bengamazi uKristu, ingasaphathwa eyokumvuma na? Bonke bazomazi futhi bamazi futhi ngeke abe kude nanoma ubani ( Jeremiya 31:34 kanye neZenzo 17:27 ). Khumbula ukuthi uNkulunkulu unguNkulunkulu wesiyalo, kodwa futhi ulungile. Labo abamaziyo kodwa abangakamvumeli bayoshaywa imivimbo eminingi , kodwa labo ababengamazi bayothola imivimbo embalwa ( Luka 12:47-48 ). Inkazimulo yokugcina kuNkulunkulu ilindele bonke abantu , ayifiki ngoqwembe lwesiliva kunoma ubani. Kodwa Uyoba lapho NAWO wonke umuntu, eShiyoli naseGehena ngokufanayo. Uyodonsela wonke umuntu Kuye, ngenxa yothando Lwakhe ( Johane 12:32 )! NgokukaMathewu 12:31-32 31  Ngalokho ngithi kini: Abantu bayakuthethelelwa zonke izono nokuhlambalaza, kepha ukuhlambalaza uMoya akuyikuthethelelwa. 32  Lowo okhuluma kabi ngeNdodana yomuntu uyakuthethelelwa, kepha okhuluma okubi ngoMoya oNgcwele akayikuthethelelwa, kulesi sikhathi noma kwezayo.” - Ihunyushwe ngokuqondile isuka ku - New International Version Leli vesi alikhulumi ngephakade, ngoba nje iphakade liyinto okungekho muntu ongayicabanga, ingasaphathwa eyokuyichaza, ngoba ayihlangene nhlobo nesikhathi ( UmShumayeli 3:11 ). Lithini leli vesi ngomphumela? Ngisho naleli cala elibi NGEKE lijeziswe ‘phakade’, kodwa kuphela phakathi nesikhathi esilinganiselwe ngaphambi kokuba kuqale ingunaphakade. Iphakade liyokwenzeka kuphela ezingutsheni ezimhlophe ezigezwe eGazini likaKristu, izingubo ezigeziwe zaso sonke isintu ( IsAmbulo 7:14 ). LEZI IZINDABA Ezinhle! Lamalunga ebandla aqhutshwa ukwesaba awagcini nje ngokuziphika ukuthula nenjabulo engachazeki enikezwa ngomusa weqiniso kaJesu, kodwa ayiphika nezilaleli zawo leyo njabulo. Kanjani? Okokuqala, abamazi uJesu weqiniso. Okwesibili, benza abalandeli babo bahlanganyele ekwesabeni kwabo siqu, ukwesaba isihogo somlilo saphakade . Ngakho bayaqhubeka befaka ukwesaba ezilalelini zabo, besekela imiphakathi yamanga, ngakho umlando uyaziphindaphinda isizukulwane ngesizukulwane, ugcina izwe ligcwele ukwesaba. Inkosi uSolomoni ayishongo yini kumShumayeli 1:9 ukuthi akukho okusha phansi kwelanga? Okudlule kuzophinde kwenzeke. KwabaseRoma 1:28-32 28  Njengalokhu benqaba ukukubona, kuyinto enhle ukumazi uNkulunkulu, uNkulunkulu wabayekela ekungaqondini kwabo ukwenza okungemukelekile. 29  Bagcwele konke ukungalungi; ukonakala, umhobholo nobubi; begcwele umhawu, ukubulala, ukuphikisana, inkohliso, ubuqili nokuhleba. 30  Banyembenya abanye, bazonda uNkulunkulu; bayizidlova, bayazidla, bayazigabisa, bangabaqambi bokubi, nabangabalaleli abazali; 31  abanangqondo, abathembekile, abanaluthando, futhi abanasihe. 32  Bathi nakuba bezazi izimiso ezilungileyo zikaNkulunkulu zokuthi abenza lezi zinto bafanele ukufa, kabagcinanga nje ngokuzenza, kodwa babuye bavuna labo abazenzayo.” - isiZulu 2020 NgokukaMathewu 10:32 “Ngalokho-ke yilowo nalowo oyakungivuma phambi kwabantu, nami ngiyakumvuma phambi kukaBaba osezulwini.” - isiZulu 2020 Lapho mina noHans-Joachim sivuma uthando lukaJesu phezulu (uJesu owafela bonke futhi wasindisa bonke), wonke umuntu esihlanganyela naye lokhu kuleli zwe eliseningizimu ne-Afrika uyathula. Izwe elizithatha ‘njengamaKrestu’ angama-80%. Ngibhekise eNingizimu Afrika lapha. Ubani uKristu wabo? Ukube uKristu wabo ubenguKristu wethu, bebengajabula nathi, akunjalo? Awu, kuphambene nje. Kodwa, kukhona okwengeziwe. Lapho ngibhekana nanoma ubani ubuso nobuso ngombuzo othi “uyakholelwa ekulahlweni kwaphakade?”, noma ngisho nokucaphuna kwabaseRoma 4:5 ngaleyo ndaba, basabela sengathi baqandisiwe. Esimweni sobuso nobuso kunzima kakhulu ukubonisa imizwa yeqiniso, ngoba ‘amaKristu’ kufanele ‘aziphathe ngokuzithoba nangokuzola ngaso sonke isikhathi’. Lo mhlangano wobuso nobuso ubafica bengalindele futhi ubabeke esimeni esinzima. Kodwa isithombe siba sibi nakakhulu lapho sivuma uKristu weqiniso engxoxweni yocingo nalamalungu ebandla. Khona-ke lolu songo lobuso nobuso alukho futhi luvula indlela yokuhlehla okungase kube ukubhuqa, noma intukuthelo enonya. Ukuhlasela kuvame ukuzivikela okungcono kakhulu ezimweni ezinjengalezi. Lesi akusona isimo ababhekana naso ‘nabakholwa nabo’. Lesi isimo abangasijwayele. Babhekene nomuntu wangaphandle okhuluma obala ngoKristu, engabaza ukholo lwabo. Izimo ezinzima zihlala zinquma ubuqiniso bokholo lomuntu. Izimo ezimbi kakhulu engike ngabhekana nazo kwakungenkathi ngikhuluma ngokuhlawulelwa kukaKristu kwaphakade nabafundisi be-PhD kanye noprofesa ‘abangamaKristu’. Ngisho nowayeyinhloko yelinye lamanyuvesi. Ngesinye isikhathi, lapho ngibhekene noprofesa othile, waze wangiphendula ngokuthi "awukhulumi nomuntu ovamile lapha". Abantu abaneziqu ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme abakubekezeleli ukubuzwa imibuzo ‘ngabantu abajwayelekile'. Zonke lezi zimo ezingenhla zikhuluma ngokuzikhukhumeza, ukungavikeleki nokwesaba. Kodwa, kimina noHans-Joachim, akunakwenzeka ukuthi singaqhubeki ngokungakhathali, ukukhuluma izingqondo zethu ngaphakathi kwaleli bandla lika “Goliyati”. UNkulunkulu wasebenzisa uDavida omncane onesibindi ukuze anqobe uGoliyathi ngetshana elilodwa elincane, namandla Akhe. Lapha siyabona ukuthi leli bandla elibizwa ngokuthi 'ibandla lamaKrestu' elinamanani amaningi alimele nhlobo amandla, kodwa limele ubugwala. Amalungu ayo ayasigwema uma kuziwa okholweni. Lokhu akulutho ngaphandle kobugwala. Ubugwala buvame ukucasha ezixukwini. Abagijimayo bayehlulwa. Kudingeka kuphela umuntu OYEDWA onaMandla eqiniso kaKristu ngaphakathi ukunqoba lelibandla eliyizigidigidi eziyi-2.3 ngamazwi nje ambalwa, amavesi eBhayibheli ambalwa ngaleyo ndaba. Leli 'Bandla' limele ukuphika. Bangaki ‘oDavid’ abancane abasele kulo mhlaba namuhla? Ukuba kuJesu Kristu weqiniso kungukuba emandleni… Amandla AKHE! Futhi lokhu akuyona into yokuziqhayisa. Ukuba semandleni Akhe kungumusa omsulwa. Ngakho cabanga ngalokhu njengocingo lokuvusa bonke abalangazelela laMandla. Okokuqala uNkulunkulu ukhuluma “namagwala” kusAmbulo 21:8 . NgokukaLuka 21:15 “ngokuba Mina ngiyakunifunza amazwi nokuhlakanipha abangayukwazi ukumelana nakho noma baphikisane nakho bonke labo abalwa nani.” - isiZulu 2020 Yibuphi ubufakazi obungcono obukhona lapho busekelwa iZwi likaNkulunkulu? ake sibone ukuthi uJesu ngokwakhe uthini mayelana "nabaningi" kanye "nambalwa". NgokukaMathewu 7:22-23 22  Abaningi bayakuthi kimi ngalolo suku: ‘Nkosi, Nkosi, asiphrofethanga yini ngegama lakho, sakhipha amadimoni ngegama lakho, senza imisebenzi eminingi yamandla ngegama lakho na?’ 23  Khona ngiyakubatshela emehlweni, ngithi: ‘Angizange nginazi; sukani kimi nina benzi bokubi.’” - isiZulu 2020 ‘AmaKristu’ ayizigidi eziyizinkulungwane ezingu-2,3 aprofetha egameni likabani? Egameni likaJesu, akunjalo? Awu, yimuphi, uJesu Weqiniso, noma uJesu wamanga? Futhi yimuphi umthetho uJesu akhuluma ngawo lapha? Umthetho kaKristu. Ngesikhathi sokuvuswa kukaJesu, lomthetho waqala ukusebenza, uMthetho Womusa kubo bonke abantu. Isihe esinqatshwa 'amaKristu' amanga ayizigidi eziyizinkulungwane ezingu-2.3! ‘AmaKristu’ amanga athanda ukuzonda, ukukhomba ngeminwe, ajabulela ukuziphindiselela, ajabulela izitha zawo eziya ‘esihogweni saphakade’! ‘AmaKristu’ amanga alingisa ‘uKristu’ wamanga! ‘AmaKristu’ amanga adlala esandleni sikaSathane! ‘AmaKristu’ amanga angamalungu ehlelo elikhulu kunawo wonke emhlabeni! NgokukaLuka 18:7-8 7  UNkulunkulu akayukubenzela yini ubulungiswa abakhethiweyo bakhe, abakhala kuye imini nobusuku, ababekezelele na? 8  Ngithi kini: uyakubenzela ubulungiswa ngokushesha. Ngabe iNdodana yomuntu iyokufumana yini ukukholwa emhlabeni mhla ifika na?”” - isiZulu 2020 NgokukaMathewu 22:14 ““Ngokuba baningi ababiziweyo, kodwa bayingcosana abakhethiweyo.”” - isiZulu 2020 Kusobala lapha ukuthi abakhethiweyo bakaNkulunkulu bokuqala bayingcosana ( Mathewu 7:14 ), naphezu kweqiniso lokuthi ekugcineni bonke abantu bayokhethwa ( 1 Korinte 15:23 ; Hezekeli 18:4-32 ; Hezekeli 36:26 ). Abambalwa [abokuqala] bakhala imini nobusuku kuNkulunkulu. Ngubani oyokhala imini nobusuku kuNkulunkulu? Abahlupheka kakhulu MANJE. Futhi i-2.3 billion? Ingabe bachitha isikhathi esiningi bekhala kuNkulunkulu besosizini? Cha! Sicela ube namaqiniso. Futhi, kungani uJesu ayengabuza ukuthi uyoluthola yini ukholo lapho ebuya? Ngoba wayazi ukuthi ngeke ayithole, ngaphandle kwabambalwa. Futhi 2.3 billion? Cabanga ngalokhu. Usengaba omunye wabambalwa. USathane usebenzisa leli thuluzi elikahle LOKWESABA ukuze alawule abantu, ukubathuse hhayi nje kuphela emithini yeqiniso yemvelo * , kodwa ngokuyinhloko ukwesabisa abantu kude noKristu weqiniso! USathane uzitika ngemvelo yomuntu engokwemvelo, imvelo yokwesaba. Yingakho ephumelele KAKHULU ngemboni yezemithi ** ! Ubani umbusi wokwesaba, Nkulunkulu? Cha, uSathane, umlingi omkhulu ( Mathewu 4:3 ). Ingabe iBhayibheli alisho ngokucacile ukuthi uNkulunkulu ngokwakhe akalingi? UNkulunkulu uvumela uSathane ukuba alinge ( 1 Korinte 10:13 ) * Sicela ubhekisele “Medicine” ekhasini elithi ”A-Z Subjects” (kuphela ngesiNgisi) ** Sicela ubhekisele “Drugs - Pharmaceutical Drugs” ekhasini elithi “A-Z Subjects” (kuphela ngesiNgisi) EkaJakobe 1:13 “Makungabi bikho muntu othi uma elingwa, athi: “Ngilingwa nguNkulunkulu,” ngokuba uNkulunkulu angelingwe ngokubi, naye luqobo kalingi muntu.” - isiZulu 2020 Futhi uPawulu akashongo yini kuThimothewu ukuthi uNkulunkulu akasinikanga umoya wokwesaba? 2 KuThimothewu 1:7 “Ngokuba uNkulunkulu akasinikanga umoya wobugwala, kepha owamandla, nowothando, nowokuzithiba.” - Ihunyushwe ngokuqondile isuka ku - Berean Study Bible Yebo, uNkulunkulu unguMdali wazo zonke izinto, kodwa ngenxa yobubi obudalwa uNkulunkulu ( Isaya 45:7 ), wenza uSathane umholi wakhe, umbusi wezwe ( Johane 14:30 ). Ukwesaba kuvela ezandleni zikaSathane. Lowo kwakuwumsebenzi wakhe. Ngemva kokukhohlisa u-Adamu no-Eva (ababengakwazi ukwesaba kwangaphambili) ekungalalelini, ukuphila kwabo okunokuthula kwaguqulwa kwaba ukuphila kokwesaba. Noma iyiphi impilo yokwesaba iphucwa inkululeko futhi ngaleyo ndlela akukho ukuphila nhlobo. Ngakho ukuphila kwabo kwase kuphenduke kwaba UKUFA komoya, ngenxa yokungalaleli badla “emthini wokwazi, wokuhle nokubi” uNkulunkulu ayebanqabele ukuba bawenze. Abazange bamamukele uNkulunkulu futhi babengasekho Kuye. Ngakho bakunambitha ngempela ukufa okungokomoya. Ingabe labo okuthiwa ‘amaKrestu' bakuKristu namuhla? Cha. Abamamukeli uKristu, futhi abasamukeli isenzo Sakhe somusa wendawo yonke. Futhi uma umuntu engekho kuKristu, khona-ke usekufeni. Leli 'bandla' lisebenza ekufeni nasebumnyameni. Ngicela ufunde ukuthi uJesu wathini “ngabafileyo bembela abafileyo” kuLuka 9:60 . IGenesisi 3:10 “Waphendula wathi: “Ngizwe izigi zakho ensimini, ngase ngesaba ngoba ngihamba ze, ngacasha.”” - isiZulu 2020 NgokukaLuka 9:59-60 59  Wayesethi komunye: “Ngilandele.” Wathi yena: “Ngivumele ngiye kuqala ukuyakummbela ubaba.” 60  Kepha wathi kuye: “Yeka abafileyo bembele abafileyo babo, kodwa hamba wena, ushumayele umbuso kaNkulunkulu.”” - IBHAYIBHELI ELINGCWELE (ZUL59) Ukuba KUKRESTU kuwukumnika okuncamelayo ngaphezu kwakho konke! Ukuba KUKristu wukuba nokuPhila! Ukwesaba bekulokhu kulondolozwe uSathane kusukela ngaleso sikhathi futhi uma kuziwa ebuKristwini bamanga, ‘isihogo somlilo saphakade’ siyindaba yakhe yempumelelo enkulu kuze kube namuhla. Okugxilwe kukho lapha " ingunaphakade ", isichasiso esingaxazululi kakhulu esingezwe ababhali bosuku lwembubhiso abachemile. Igama elihunyushwe kabi kakhulu eBhayibhelini Ukudlala “ngephakade” (kanye nakho konke ukuguquguquka kwalo) kudlala ngoNkulunkulu… uMlilo! Bheka ngezansi ukuze uthole umehluko phakathi kwezinguqulo ezimbili zevesi elifanayo. Matthew 25:41 “"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” - New International Version Matthew 25:41 “Then shall he say also to those on the left hand, Go ye from me, the cursed, to the fire, the age-during, that hath been prepared for the Devil and his messengers;” - Young’s Literal Translation In ALL the Greek versions only “aiōnion- αιωνιον” (of the age) are reflected. Now which of the two versions above resonates with you… the eternal fire one, or the age-during one? Preference of the billions false ‘Christians’, both historically and presently alike, points to the first version . Are you one of those, reading here? You know of course that an eon (and its inflection eonion ) is a very long period, but with a limited (cut-off) duration. If you fall under ‘eternal-hell-believing’ society, then your preference goes without saying. Ecclesiastes 3:11 “…He has also set eternity in their heart , yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.” - NASB 1995 Ecclesiastes 3:11 explicitly states that God made “eternity” unknown to man ( #5769 ), keeping it locked up within his- or her innermost being… the heart. How arrogant can one get… thinking he/she can unlock that which God keeps locked. Unlock with what key? The key that opens the [wrong] door of deceit. Nobody knows what eternity means. “Eternity” is still a mystery to be disclosed by God Himself at the time where there will no more time anymore… only the endless present bliss of ALL humanity within Him! Please read Revelation 21:4 . For the Christian believing in the unlimited atonement of Christ’s Blood, eternity poses no threat at all. Only eternal joy comes to mind. However, when this ‘eternity’ is portrayed to vulnerant people as being tied to ‘endless’ torment in a ‘hellfire’ upon disbelief, this is as much inhumane cruelty as it is human control in its worst form. The numbers of those believing in this fallacy of eternal punishment is the transparent proof of Satan’s brilliant success. Let’s see what Jeremiah far back in his time already had to say about scribes… Jeremiah 8:8 “"'How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?” - New International Version And what do modern scribes do? They change “age-long” into “eternal”. The reality of “eternity” is for the [true] believer not yet a reality on earth, but rather a joyful inner experience of the shadow of the reality thereof, the reality that will be experienced in the future within Christ ( Colossians 2:14- 20 ) Paul was in paradise ( 2 Corinthians 12:4 ) and after that he could not wait to go ( Philippians 1:23 ) and be with Christ. Life on earth is determined by limited time and to imagine torture in a vacuum of timelessness must be downright frightening to any unbeliever. This is not even mentioning the fear that is imprinted in the small children of these unbelievers. To burden a child at such a vulnerable age already and have him or her grow up with this horrible lie is beyond sadness. This fear stays within that child all the way. Fear keeps people captive and in chains. I recall the incident when a man from the Seventh Day Adventist was in our home many years ago. When I told him that there is no such thing as an everlasting hell of condemnation, his exact words were “Willien, I cringe inside. I want to believe you, but what if you are wrong!?“ What a classical reaction of fear that was. It has not changed to this day… a reaction spanning across ALL denominations of this so-called reformed ‘Christian’ church, as well as the Catholic church and Orthodox church for that matter! This reaction, however, has many faces. The most common forms are total silence, sarcasm, anger, or the pretence to agree to avoid an argument. All these we experienced over the years. How can anybody in his- or her right mind reconcile everlasting torment for billions upon billions with a God of love? How can anyone with a PhD qualification and a title like Prof., or Dr. in the faculty of Theology believe in such nonsense, if not at the deceiving hand of Satan… nevertheless pre-orchestrated by God? Pre-orchestrated? Yes! God deliberately created academic institutions, especially theologian faculties; firstly to be idolised by man and then secondly for man to taste their foolish- and futile teachings. Futile? Yes! Did the world become a better place? No! Quite the contrary. Did it become healthier? No! The world is sick to the bone. Do the so-called ‘Christians’ have inner peace and joy? No! The church is full of hatred! Reality shows all over. Wisdom ONLY comes from the Holy Spirit! See below. Matthew 11:25 “At that time Jesus declared, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” - Berean Study Bible And why would Jesus, who IS love, say the following if He did not have the wonderful end result in sight for ALL mankind? By the way, what is this “fire” Jesus talks about? It is the Fire Himself. He is the purifying Fire that will purify ALL humanity into loving Kingdom citizens, salting them with Fire. Luke 12:49 “”I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” - New International Version Mark 9:49 “For everyone will be salted with fire.” - Berean Literal Bible His purification happened on earth for the apostle Paul and his followers ( 1 Corinthians 11:32 ). They were not destined for the second death purification, but they tremendously suffered nonetheless. Moreover, they delighted in their suffering, because they shared in the suffering of Christ. 1 Peter 4:13 “But rejoice that you share in the sufferings of The Messiah, for in this way also you shall rejoice and be jubilant in the revelation of his glory.” - Aramaic Bible in Plain English How can we ever expect to share in the everlasting glory and joy of Christ, His glory of unfathomable magnitude, without us having gone through extreme suffering ourselves? Unbearable carnal suffering is what it takes to pass the compulsory fire test of genuine faith, the faith in Romans 4:5 . Running to counselling rooms for comfort is to just keep one from doing the test. In this test there is no feel-good therapy, only painful correction. Moreover, with this test there is only One Counsellor and His Name is Jesus Christ ( Isaiah 9:6 ). Playing counsellor is putting the focus on man, not the Christ of the apostle Paul. All so-called church counsellors are doing their counselling in the name of their false ‘christ’. Doesn’t the Bible say in Jeremiah 17:5 that those consulting man is under a curse? Playing counsellor is feeding the ego, not crushing it. In [True] Jesus Christ there is no ego, only fulfilment. 1 Peter 1:7 “Such trials show the proven character of your faith, which is much more valuable than gold- -gold that is tested by fire, even though it is passing away--and will bring praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” - NET Bible And what is the “joy” Jesus talks about in the next verse below? Joy of annihilating the billions mentioned above? Absurd beyond! Jesus’ joy was because of the end result for ALL people! And this immense joy was the focus of the Messiah! He delighted in His joy afterwards with all mankind beforehand already. And so all of us must also put our joyful focus on Christ, not on His suffering, but on His resurrection, on our behalf, unto eternal life with Him. Being baptized in Him, is to be resurrected with Him. THAT is the hope True Christianity gives. Baptism * within false Christianity has no power at all and is of no meaning whatsoever! * Please refer “Baptism” on the “A-Z Subject” page Hebrews 12:2 “keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set out for him he endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.” - NET Bible What is the most common phrase of [however, well-meant] urgent warning comments below social media videos to those on the receiving end of natural catastrophes like landslides, earthquakes and floods today? Something to the effect of “turn to Jesus now and repent, before it is too late!” Too late for what? All this is forcing people [yet again] into calling Jesus out of fear for ‘eternal hell’, and not out of love for His sacrifice for them. What they need to hear is Jesus has died for you too, because of His love for you. His shed Blood already saved you and you have already inherited eternal life. Call His Name out of gratitude, not out of fear. All is well. He is in control! This is the kind of message people in distress need to hear, a message of hope in a ‘hopeless’ situation. Whoever is reading here, please rejoice, for you too will know the Christ of the Bible and will have ONLY joy and fulfilment with Him forever and ever. Jeremiah 31:34 “No longer will each man teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more.”” - Berean Study Bible True Christianity has nothing to do with man-made buildings. True Christianity has ALL to do with the heart within a person. There is only one place where the God of the Bible tangibly resides and that is within the hearts of those who believe in the un limited redemptive act of Christ at Golgotha. True Christianity is the love that radiates from within. What’s in the heart is revealed on the surface. When one has the True Christ within one it is impossible not to have a joy that is able to overshadow any adversity, because of the hope one has. The powerful Act of Christ that tore the temple curtain of separation in two, gave free access for all people to the sanctuary of peace and safety. If a person is at peace within, all those around him or her will know it. As an outsider, just test an ‘eternal-hell-believing‘ ‘Christian’ by questioning his or her faith and see how he or she reacts. Professors and prominent university figures in Theology faculties on high seats included. It does not take much to force their hidden conceit to surface. What’s going on in the heart is by nature difficult to contain. By their self proclaimed “free will” and “free choice” they have denied themselves the inner sanctuary of Christ and are thus kept from entering it by the very Christ they resist, the Christ who has no favorites ( Romans 2:11 ). Hebrews 6:19 “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, sure and steadfast, which reaches inside behind the curtain,” - NET Bible Paul clearly attests here of the secure anchor of hope they had, only having had to reach deep within their hearts, their sanctuaries where Christ resides. No use running elsewhere for comfort. Comfort is within ourselves, within Christ! Experience is proof! All’s well that ends well. All will have eternal life. There will be NO everlasting hell. “ALL”? True Christians, fake ‘Christians’, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Sikhs, etc. EVERYBODY! If you read here and you’re in distress in a seemingly hopeless situation, even if you do not even have a Bible, just call the TRUE Jesus’ Name. He is alive. He will hear you! Romans 4:5 “But to the one who does not work, but believes in the one who declares the ungodly righteous , his faith is credited as righteousness.” - NET Bible The “one who does not work” in Romans 4:5 is the one under the law of grace and not under the law of Moses, thus indicating the one regarding him-, or herself to be a Christian. The “ungodly” in this verse is the one disrespecting God, the one not believing in Him. This verse also clearly states that God in His love also declares the unbelieving- and disrespecting person to be justified (righteous), to be acquitted from all his- or her sins, the moment of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross. Jesus’ Blood made sin eternally obsolete in having fulfilled the law of Moses forever. There is only one perfect law now as prerequisite for eternal life and that is the law of Christ, the law of Grace. There are no deeds required anymore, only those done out of gratitude! So what is righteous faith at its core? It is believing that God has declared the unbelieving person to be acquitted of all sin, to have been reconciled with God and thus declared worthy of everlasting life with Him. However, does this verse say that God has declared the faith of this unbelieving person to be righteous too? No, not at all. This is significant because only with righteous faith can one enter the heavenly Kingdom of God. This in fact means that, although eternal life in heaven is already a done deal for the [now-declared-righteous] unbelieving person as well, it is STILL imperative for this person to also have acquired righteous faith before entering this heavenly Kingdom of God. Very important to realize here is also that fake ‘Christians’ do NOT believe this verse! This is the most important verse in the Bible when it comes to representing the faith that encapsulates true Christianity . By the same token it is the most threatening verse in the Bible that crushes the ‘everlasting hell damnation’ dogma of false christianity ’, a dogma preached from pulpits around the world to this day! This is the verse totally ignored on these religious platforms, because of running the risk losing millions upon millions of ignorant paying members, who sustain a global codependency institution under the umbrella of ‘Christendom’. Codependency? Yes, financial exploitation on one side and a weekly feasting on the ‘feel-good- self-centered-hour’ on the other. Harsh words yes, but not harsh enough when it comes to the abominable scorn of the Blood of Christ. To subject His Blood to the ‘choice’ of man is the most shameful insult possible! Not believing Romans 4:5 puts all the ‘hell-believing Christians’ in the same category as the aforementioned unbeliever. It cannot be stressed enough the extreme importance of having righteous faith in order to meet with Christ in the air upon His second coming, being spared the painful disciplinary correction of God in the “Lake of Fire” ( Revelation 21:8 ; 1 Corinthians 15:26 ). The apostle Paul had this righteous faith. That is why God had him write Romans 4:5 . The Bible is very clear on this. All the nations will hear this message of joy and then the end will come! Christ in fact commanded His disciples shortly after His resurrection to have this good news proclaimed to all the nations and unto repentance. So what happened? The lie crept in. Where? At the Synod of Nicene in the time of Constantine I. The subsequent false message has been going around the world for nearly 1,700 years now and worst is that heresy has become the ‘truth’, the norm taken for granted, the so-called reformed church of 500 years as well. It drags the lie with it all along to this day. Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” - Berean Study Bible What does “saint” mean? It simply means “set aside”, or “holy”, Set aside JUST as you are, NOT dressed up in special clothes that portrays exclusivity to draw attention ( Matthew 6:5 ), NOT having to walk around with a ‘pious’ face, NOT having to speak in a fabricated sanctimonious voice tone, NOT having to stand out to draw attention on a pulpit surrounded with candles, or within an artificial atmosphere of ‘holiness’. Jesus was SO inconspicuous, that Judas had to kiss Jesus to identify Him for the mob to arrest Him ( Mark 14:44 ). Whoever you are, whatever you’ve done, whatever you NOW believe, whatever language you speak, wherever you come from, whatever skin colour you have… you have eternal life already! You are set aside! Set aside for WHOM? For the ALMIGHTY GOD of the universe, the God of the Bible, the God who loves EVERYONE, including YOU! The God who already reconciled you to HIMSELF with Jesus’ sacrificial Blood. Call His Name, Jesus Christ ! He is alive! He is the Living God! Believe that He has saved ALL mankind already and you will be spared the painful (but temporary) second death and will take part in the FIRST resurrection when Jesus will be revealed at His second coming ( Revelation 20:6 )! 1 Peter 1:16 “for it is written: “ Be holy, because I am holy.”” - Berean Study Bible 1 Peter 1:16 διότι γέγραπται ὅτι Ἅγιοι ἔσεσθε, ὅτι ἐγὼ ἅγιος. - Westcott & Hort 1881 #1360 #1125 #3754 #40 #1510 #3754 #1473 #40 διότι γέγραπται ὅτι Ἅγιοι ἔσεσθε, ὅτι ἐγὼ ἅγιος. dioti gegraptai hoti Hagioi esesthe, hoti egō hagios. “,in as much as it has been written because Holy you [be], because I holy.” Please read the whole 1 Peter 1. Isaiah 25:6-9 6  On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine— the best of meats and the finest of wines. 7  On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; 8  he will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove his people’s disgrace from all the earth. The LORD has spoken. 9  In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the LORD, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”” - New International Version Jesus has the last say in the last verse in the Bible! Revelation 22:21 Ἡ χάρις τοῦ Κυρίου Ἰησοῦ μετὰ πάντων. “Hē charis tou Kyriou Iēsou meta pantōn” “The grace of the Lord Jesus with all.” - Nestle Greek New Testament 1904 The “saints” and “Amen” added at the end in most versions, are correctly omitted here, because all are saints! Exclusivity, proclaimed by false ‘Christianity’ is completely crushed here. TRUE CHRISTIANITY thus welcomes ALL people to be part of God’s Holy Family ALREADY. HALLELUJAH For more detail around this page please visit the A-Z Subjects. Please visit our other website, , should you be interested.
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Last Updated: 06.12.2023
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Copyright © 2020 to 2025 Willien Strutz All rights reserved. Webmaster: Hans-Joachim Strutz A to Z Subjects
NgokukaJohane 3:17 “Ngokuba uNkulunkulu kayithumelanga iNdodana ezweni ukuba yahlulele izwe, kodwa ukuba izwe lisindiswe ngayo .” - IBHAYIBHELI ELINGCWELE (ZUL59) UNkulunkulu weBhayibheli unguNkulunkulu oneNHLOSO! UNkulunkulu uBaba wathumela iNdodana Yakhe uJesu Kristu KUQALA ukusindisa umhlaba njengoKristu uMsindisi. Bese kuza ukwahlulela ngoKristu, uMahluleli womhlaba ( 2 Korinte 5:10 ). Asikho isidingo sokugxila kalula kuJohane 3:16 kuphela, ikakhulukazi njengoba ehlobene ‘nabakholwayo. BONKE bayokholwa ngoba uJesu ungumqambi nomphelelisi wokukholwa ( KumaHeberu 12:2 ). Noma ngubani ONGAKHOLWA ukuthi uJesu usewusindisile umhlaba wonke ngokufa kwakhe uyokuma phambi kukaKristu ngosuku lokugcina! Lokho uJesu ayezele ukuzokwenza emhlabeni, wakwenza ngempela! NgokukaJohane 19:28-30 28  Emva kwalokho uJesu, ekwazi ukuthi konke sekuphelelisiwe ukuba umbhalo ugcwaliseke , wathi: “Ngomile.” 29  Kwakubekiwe khona isitsha sigcwele uviniga; khona bachoma ilula ligcwele uviniga othini lwehisopi,* baliyisa emlonyeni wakhe. 30  Kwathi ukuba uJesu ewamukele uviniga, wathi: Kufeziwe ;” wagebisa ikhanda, wafa.” - IBHAYIBHELI ELINGCWELE (ZUL59) igcinwe kude umhlaba lonke kuze kube namuhla futhi akekho omunye ngaphandle kwe zamanje 2.3 billion ‘AmaKristu’! nikeza ukuthula kwangaphakathi nokuzola ezweni elineziyaluyalu zobuhlungu kubhebhezela izingxabano neziyaluyalu ehlazisa uKristu futhi ehluleka uvivinyo Umuntu akakwazi ukuvuma iqiniso kuyilapho ephika amanga. Umuntu akakwazi ukubona amanga ngaphandle kokubona iqiniso. Kuze kube manje, ayikho inkolo emhlabeni eye yabangela ubuhlungu nokuhlupheka okungaka njengenkolo ebilokhu isebenza ngaphansi kwegama elithi “ubuKristu” kusukela ngo-325 CE. Futhi okubi kunakho konke ukuthi ngisho namanje, ngemva kweminyaka ecishe ibe ngu- 1 700, lisamemezela ukuthi limelela uNkulunkulu weBhayibheli, uNkulunkulu ka-Abrahama, u-Isaka noJakobe. Uma ufuna ukukhuluma ngokuhlubuka, asikho isidingo sokufuna okunye. Lobu buKristu enibaziyo namuhla buyinhlangano ehlubukayo egcwele ukuzidla, ukulawula, ukuzenzisa, ukwahlukana, ububi, inzondo, ukuzidla, ubugwala, intukuthelo, umona, ubugovu, umhawu, ukuxabana phakathi kwabantu, ukuhleba, ukunyundela, ubuqhwaga, ukuhleba; i-codependency, futhi uhlu luyaqhubeka. Futhi kungani konke lokhu? Ngoba ‘ubuKristu’ bamanga buyinkolo, eboshelwe emithethweni futhi elukwe ukwesaba. UbuKristu beqiniso AKUSIYO inkolo. Iveza inkululeko eboshelwe othandweni ngaphakathi koBukhona bukaKristu. Lokho okubizwa ngokuthi isonto lobuKristu alikhululekile nhlobo. SINYE kuphela isizathu salokhu. UMoya kaKristu awukho kulomphakathi ohlukahlukene wezigidigidi ezi-2.3 kanye nazo zonke izigidi zawo zezakhiwo zesonto emhlabeni wonke ( IZenzo 7:48 ). UKristu akekho phakathi kobukhazikhazi nombukiso, amasiko angcwele, izigubhu ezijabulisayo esiteji, ukugcina amadili amaJuda, izinkinobho "zomnikelo" nothando lwemali. Nakuba leli bandla, egameni elithi “UbuKristu” linamahlelo amaningi kangaka, izici ezintathu ezivamile ezihlanganyelwa yibo bonke, ukulahlwa okuphakade ”, imithetho kanye nemikhuba ”. Yonke imithetho yabo nezinqubo zokuphika umusa zimane ziyizibopho zobugqila zokukhulula onembeza babo abanecala futhi bathole isitembu sokuvunyelwa esingcwelisayo. Kodwa, ngeze. Ukukhungatheka ngenxa yokungakwazi ukusekela ukuzinikela kwabo okuzenzisa yikho okubangela ukuziphatha kwabo. Lelibandla seliphumele emhlabeni amakhulu eminyaka, lisakaza amanga okulahlwa kwaphakade, ezigidini ngezigidi zabantu abangenalwazi, behleka usulu umusa kaKristu futhi bezitika ngokwesaba kwabo. Baphoqa imiphakathi yezwe lesithathu esengozini ukuba ikholelwe ‘kuKristu’ wamanga ‘oyobaqothula esihogweni somlilo’, uma bengakholwa. Ingabe lezi zithunywa zevangeli ziletha nhlobo izindaba ezinhle zikaKristu? Akudingekile ukuphendula. Lokho la malungu esonto angenandaba nakho ngokuphelele yiqiniso lokuthi wona ngokwawo amiselwe ukuwela kuso kanye ‘lesihogo somlilo’ asongela ngaso izilaleli zawo. Kodwa kunomehluko ongenakuqhathaniswa phakathi kwesihogo somlilo abawumemezelayo kanye nesihogo somlilo’ sesAmbulo 21:8 , lokhu kwakamuva kuwukufa kwesikhashana kwesiyalo (iChibi Lomlilo), okuyonqotshwa uKristu ( 1 Korinte 15:26 ). Ngiyabonga Nkosi. sesAmbulo 21:8 “Kepha amagwala, nabangakholwayo, nabanengekayo, nababulali, nezifebe, nabathakathi, nabakhonza izithombe, nabo bonke abaqamba amanga, isabelo sabo siyakuba sechibini elivutha umlilo nesibabule, okungukufa kwesibili.”” - IBHAYIBHELI ELINGCWELE (ZUL59) Ngaphezu kwalokho, ngenxa yalamanga amabi, wona kanye lamalungu esonto anecala lesono esingenakuthethelelwa iBhayibheli elikhuluma ngaso, iseqo esiletha isijeziso esinzima kakhulu esingenakugwenywa, njengoba sibonakala kuMathewu 12:31-32 namaHeberu 10:28-29 . "Ukungaxolelwa" kusho "ukungaphumi ngaphandle kwesijeziso". IGazi likaKristu akufanele lidlalwe, nanini! Kusho ukuthini lokhu “kulahlwa okuphakade” abakushumayelayo? Kusho ukuthi iGazi likaJesu elachitheka laliyize futhi lalingenawo amandla okusindisa labo abangamkhethanga, lenza iGazi lakhe libe lincane. Futhi akugcini lapho, Ubani owavusa uJesu kwabafileyo? UMoya wakhe (kaJesu) oNgcwele wakwenza lokho ( KwabaseRoma 8:11 ). Ingabe bathathu oMoya oNgcwele? Cha, Munye kuphela! UJESU UNGUMOYA ONGCWELE futhi watshela abafundi bakhe ukuthi kuJohane 14:17 . UMoya wakhe oNgcwele unike BONKE abantu ukuphila okuphakade ( KwabaseRoma 8:10 ). ‘UbuKristu’ bamanga buyakwenqaba lokhu ngokumemezela ukufa okuphakade futhi kanjalo buhlambalaze uMoya oNgcwele! KumaHeberu 10:28-29 28  Odelele umthetho kaMose uyakufa engahawukelwa ngezwi lawofakazi ababili noma bebathathu; 29  pho, nithi ufanele ukushaywa kangakanani kunalokho lowo onyathele phansi iNdodana kaNkulunkulu, wadelela igazi lesivumelwano angcweliswa ngalo, wahlambalaza uMoya womusa, na? ” - IBHAYIBHELI ELINGCWELE (ZUL59) Umphostoli uPawulu akazange avume uJesu lapho eshushisa ibandla ( IzEnzo 8:3 nabaseGalathiya 1:13 ), ngaleyo ndlela enyathela eGazini likaJesu. Ingabe uPawulu wayengenaso isijeziso? Cha. Wahlupheka kakhulu ( Izenzo 9:16 ) ngenxa yalokho, naphezu kweqiniso lokuthi waphenduka kakhulu futhi wabhapathizwa kuKristu (uKristu Weqiniso). Nokho, ngenxa yokholo lwakhe olulungile ayesanda kuluthola kanye noMbhapathizo [weqiniso] owalandela, Amandla kaJesu noMusa ayephezu kwakhe ukuze aqedele ubizo lwakhe lokusakaza iVangeli leQiniso ( 2 Korinte 12:19 ). Sengikushilo konke lokhu kusho ukuthini kumuntu osaphila? Lapho umuntu eqaphela ukuthi unyathele eGazini likaKristu, uba nokuzisola okukhulu, avume lobu bugebengu obunyantisayo, aphenduke ngokujulile, avume obala IQiniso lokubuyisana kukaJesu okuphakade nesintu sonke futhi abhapathizwe * kuKristu Weqiniso ngenjabulo [hhayi. ngokwesaba inkolelo endala], uyasindiswa ekujezisweni nguNkulunkulu esikhathini esizayo “echibini lomlilo” ( 1 Korinte 11:32 ). Isihe Saphakade sesiyisivumelwano esenziwe, nakuba ukuhlupheka kwesikhashana kuhambisana naloMusa. Kodwa ITHEMBA elikhulu umuntu analo, lenza lokhu kuhlupheka kube okukufanele. Kungcono ukuba lokhu kuhlupheka kwenzeke emhlabeni kakade kunokuba kube ‘sechibini lomlilo’ kamuva. LENA yincazelo yeyoku - 1 Korinte 11:32 . * Sicela ubhekisele "Baptism" ekhasini elithi ”A-Z Subjects” (kuphela ngesiNgisi) Futhi kuthiwani ngalabo asebefile, bengamazi uKristu, ingasaphathwa eyokumvuma na? Bonke bazomazi futhi bamazi futhi ngeke abe kude nanoma ubani ( Jeremiya 31:34 kanye neZenzo 17:27 ). Khumbula ukuthi uNkulunkulu unguNkulunkulu wesiyalo, kodwa futhi ulungile. Labo abamaziyo kodwa abangakamvumeli bayoshaywa imivimbo eminingi , kodwa labo ababengamazi bayothola imivimbo embalwa ( Luka 12:47-48 ). Inkazimulo yokugcina kuNkulunkulu ilindele bonke abantu , ayifiki ngoqwembe lwesiliva kunoma ubani. Kodwa Uyoba lapho NAWO wonke umuntu, eShiyoli naseGehena ngokufanayo. Uyodonsela wonke umuntu Kuye, ngenxa yothando Lwakhe ( Johane 12:32 )! NgokukaMathewu 12:31-32 31  Ngalokho ngithi kini: Abantu bayakuthethelelwa zonke izono nokuhlambalaza, kepha ukuhlambalaza uMoya akuyikuthethelelwa. 32  Lowo okhuluma kabi ngeNdodana yomuntu uyakuthethelelwa, kepha okhuluma okubi ngoMoya oNgcwele akayikuthethelelwa, kulesi sikhathi noma kwezayo.” - Ihunyushwe ngokuqondile isuka ku - New International Version Leli vesi alikhulumi ngephakade, ngoba nje iphakade liyinto okungekho muntu ongayicabanga, ingasaphathwa eyokuyichaza, ngoba ayihlangene nhlobo nesikhathi ( UmShumayeli 3:11 ). Lithini leli vesi ngomphumela? Ngisho naleli cala elibi NGEKE lijeziswe ‘phakade’, kodwa kuphela phakathi nesikhathi esilinganiselwe ngaphambi kokuba kuqale ingunaphakade. Iphakade liyokwenzeka kuphela ezingutsheni ezimhlophe ezigezwe eGazini likaKristu, izingubo ezigeziwe zaso sonke isintu ( IsAmbulo 7:14 ). LEZI IZINDABA Ezinhle! Lamalunga ebandla aqhutshwa ukwesaba awagcini nje ngokuziphika ukuthula nenjabulo engachazeki enikezwa ngomusa weqiniso kaJesu, kodwa ayiphika nezilaleli zawo leyo njabulo. Kanjani? Okokuqala, abamazi uJesu weqiniso. Okwesibili, benza abalandeli babo bahlanganyele ekwesabeni kwabo siqu, ukwesaba isihogo somlilo saphakade . Ngakho bayaqhubeka befaka ukwesaba ezilalelini zabo, besekela imiphakathi yamanga, ngakho umlando uyaziphindaphinda isizukulwane ngesizukulwane, ugcina izwe ligcwele ukwesaba. Inkosi uSolomoni ayishongo yini kumShumayeli 1:9 ukuthi akukho okusha phansi kwelanga? Okudlule kuzophinde kwenzeke. KwabaseRoma 1:28-32 28  Njengalokhu benqaba ukukubona, kuyinto enhle ukumazi uNkulunkulu, uNkulunkulu wabayekela ekungaqondini kwabo ukwenza okungemukelekile. 29  Bagcwele konke ukungalungi; ukonakala, umhobholo nobubi; begcwele umhawu, ukubulala, ukuphikisana, inkohliso, ubuqili nokuhleba. 30  Banyembenya abanye, bazonda uNkulunkulu; bayizidlova, bayazidla, bayazigabisa, bangabaqambi bokubi, nabangabalaleli abazali; 31  abanangqondo, abathembekile, abanaluthando, futhi abanasihe. 32  Bathi nakuba bezazi izimiso ezilungileyo zikaNkulunkulu zokuthi abenza lezi zinto bafanele ukufa, kabagcinanga nje ngokuzenza, kodwa babuye bavuna labo abazenzayo.” - isiZulu 2020 NgokukaMathewu 10:32 “Ngalokho-ke yilowo nalowo oyakungivuma phambi kwabantu, nami ngiyakumvuma phambi kukaBaba osezulwini.” - isiZulu 2020 Lapho mina noHans-Joachim sivuma uthando lukaJesu phezulu (uJesu owafela bonke futhi wasindisa bonke), wonke umuntu esihlanganyela naye lokhu kuleli zwe eliseningizimu ne-Afrika uyathula. Izwe elizithatha ‘njengamaKrestu’ angama-80%. Ngibhekise eNingizimu Afrika lapha. Ubani uKristu wabo? Ukube uKristu wabo ubenguKristu wethu, bebengajabula nathi, akunjalo? Awu, kuphambene nje. Kodwa, kukhona okwengeziwe. Lapho ngibhekana nanoma ubani ubuso nobuso ngombuzo othi “uyakholelwa ekulahlweni kwaphakade?”, noma ngisho nokucaphuna kwabaseRoma 4:5 ngaleyo ndaba, basabela sengathi baqandisiwe. Esimweni sobuso nobuso kunzima kakhulu ukubonisa imizwa yeqiniso, ngoba ‘amaKristu’ kufanele ‘aziphathe ngokuzithoba nangokuzola ngaso sonke isikhathi’. Lo mhlangano wobuso nobuso ubafica bengalindele futhi ubabeke esimeni esinzima. Kodwa isithombe siba sibi nakakhulu lapho sivuma uKristu weqiniso engxoxweni yocingo nalamalungu ebandla. Khona-ke lolu songo lobuso nobuso alukho futhi luvula indlela yokuhlehla okungase kube ukubhuqa, noma intukuthelo enonya. Ukuhlasela kuvame ukuzivikela okungcono kakhulu ezimweni ezinjengalezi. Lesi akusona isimo ababhekana naso ‘nabakholwa nabo’. Lesi isimo abangasijwayele. Babhekene nomuntu wangaphandle okhuluma obala ngoKristu, engabaza ukholo lwabo. Izimo ezinzima zihlala zinquma ubuqiniso bokholo lomuntu. Izimo ezimbi kakhulu engike ngabhekana nazo kwakungenkathi ngikhuluma ngokuhlawulelwa kukaKristu kwaphakade nabafundisi be-PhD kanye noprofesa ‘abangamaKristu’. Ngisho nowayeyinhloko yelinye lamanyuvesi. Ngesinye isikhathi, lapho ngibhekene noprofesa othile, waze wangiphendula ngokuthi "awukhulumi nomuntu ovamile lapha". Abantu abaneziqu ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme abakubekezeleli ukubuzwa imibuzo ‘ngabantu abajwayelekile'. Zonke lezi zimo ezingenhla zikhuluma ngokuzikhukhumeza, ukungavikeleki nokwesaba. Kodwa, kimina noHans- Joachim, akunakwenzeka ukuthi singaqhubeki ngokungakhathali, ukukhuluma izingqondo zethu ngaphakathi kwaleli bandla lika “Goliyati”. UNkulunkulu wasebenzisa uDavida omncane onesibindi ukuze anqobe uGoliyathi ngetshana elilodwa elincane, namandla Akhe. Lapha siyabona ukuthi leli bandla elibizwa ngokuthi 'ibandla lamaKrestu' elinamanani amaningi alimele nhlobo amandla, kodwa limele ubugwala. Amalungu ayo ayasigwema uma kuziwa okholweni. Lokhu akulutho ngaphandle kobugwala. Ubugwala buvame ukucasha ezixukwini. Abagijimayo bayehlulwa. Kudingeka kuphela umuntu OYEDWA onaMandla eqiniso kaKristu ngaphakathi ukunqoba lelibandla eliyizigidigidi eziyi-2.3 ngamazwi nje ambalwa, amavesi eBhayibheli ambalwa ngaleyo ndaba. Leli 'Bandla' limele ukuphika. Bangaki ‘oDavid’ abancane abasele kulo mhlaba namuhla? Ukuba kuJesu Kristu weqiniso kungukuba emandleni… Amandla AKHE! Futhi lokhu akuyona into yokuziqhayisa. Ukuba semandleni Akhe kungumusa omsulwa. Ngakho cabanga ngalokhu njengocingo lokuvusa bonke abalangazelela laMandla. Okokuqala uNkulunkulu ukhuluma “namagwala” kusAmbulo 21:8 . NgokukaLuka 21:15 “ngokuba Mina ngiyakunifunza amazwi nokuhlakanipha abangayukwazi ukumelana nakho noma baphikisane nakho bonke labo abalwa nani.” - isiZulu 2020 Yibuphi ubufakazi obungcono obukhona lapho busekelwa iZwi likaNkulunkulu? ake sibone ukuthi uJesu ngokwakhe uthini mayelana "nabaningi" kanye "nambalwa". NgokukaMathewu 7:22-23 22  Abaningi bayakuthi kimi ngalolo suku: ‘Nkosi, Nkosi, asiphrofethanga yini ngegama lakho, sakhipha amadimoni ngegama lakho, senza imisebenzi eminingi yamandla ngegama lakho na?’ 23  Khona ngiyakubatshela emehlweni, ngithi: ‘Angizange nginazi; sukani kimi nina benzi bokubi.’” - isiZulu 2020 ‘AmaKristu’ ayizigidi eziyizinkulungwane ezingu-2,3 aprofetha egameni likabani? Egameni likaJesu, akunjalo? Awu, yimuphi, uJesu Weqiniso, noma uJesu wamanga? Futhi yimuphi umthetho uJesu akhuluma ngawo lapha? Umthetho kaKristu. Ngesikhathi sokuvuswa kukaJesu, lomthetho waqala ukusebenza, uMthetho Womusa kubo bonke abantu. Isihe esinqatshwa 'amaKristu' amanga ayizigidi eziyizinkulungwane ezingu-2.3! ‘AmaKristu’ amanga athanda ukuzonda, ukukhomba ngeminwe, ajabulela ukuziphindiselela, ajabulela izitha zawo eziya ‘esihogweni saphakade’! ‘AmaKristu’ amanga alingisa ‘uKristu’ wamanga! ‘AmaKristu’ amanga adlala esandleni sikaSathane! ‘AmaKristu’ amanga angamalungu ehlelo elikhulu kunawo wonke emhlabeni! NgokukaLuka 18:7-8 7  UNkulunkulu akayukubenzela yini ubulungiswa abakhethiweyo bakhe, abakhala kuye imini nobusuku, ababekezelele na? 8  Ngithi kini: uyakubenzela ubulungiswa ngokushesha. Ngabe iNdodana yomuntu iyokufumana yini ukukholwa emhlabeni mhla ifika na?”” - isiZulu 2020 NgokukaMathewu 22:14 ““Ngokuba baningi ababiziweyo, kodwa bayingcosana abakhethiweyo.”” - isiZulu 2020 Kusobala lapha ukuthi abakhethiweyo bakaNkulunkulu bokuqala bayingcosana ( Mathewu 7:14 ), naphezu kweqiniso lokuthi ekugcineni bonke abantu bayokhethwa ( 1 Korinte 15:23 ; Hezekeli 18:4-32 ; Hezekeli 36:26 ). Abambalwa [abokuqala] bakhala imini nobusuku kuNkulunkulu. Ngubani oyokhala imini nobusuku kuNkulunkulu? Abahlupheka kakhulu MANJE. Futhi i-2.3 billion? Ingabe bachitha isikhathi esiningi bekhala kuNkulunkulu besosizini? Cha! Sicela ube namaqiniso. Futhi, kungani uJesu ayengabuza ukuthi uyoluthola yini ukholo lapho ebuya? Ngoba wayazi ukuthi ngeke ayithole, ngaphandle kwabambalwa. Futhi 2.3 billion? Cabanga ngalokhu. Usengaba omunye wabambalwa. USathane usebenzisa leli thuluzi elikahle LOKWESABA ukuze alawule abantu, ukubathuse hhayi nje kuphela emithini yeqiniso yemvelo * , kodwa ngokuyinhloko ukwesabisa abantu kude noKristu weqiniso! USathane uzitika ngemvelo yomuntu engokwemvelo, imvelo yokwesaba. Yingakho ephumelele KAKHULU ngemboni yezemithi ** ! Ubani umbusi wokwesaba, Nkulunkulu? Cha, uSathane, umlingi omkhulu ( Mathewu 4:3 ). Ingabe iBhayibheli alisho ngokucacile ukuthi uNkulunkulu ngokwakhe akalingi? UNkulunkulu uvumela uSathane ukuba alinge ( 1 Korinte 10:13 ) * Sicela ubhekisele “Medicine” ekhasini elithi ”A-Z Subjects” (kuphela ngesiNgisi) ** Sicela ubhekisele “Drugs - Pharmaceutical Drugs” ekhasini elithi “A-Z Subjects” (kuphela ngesiNgisi) EkaJakobe 1:13 “Makungabi bikho muntu othi uma elingwa, athi: “Ngilingwa nguNkulunkulu,” ngokuba uNkulunkulu angelingwe ngokubi, naye luqobo kalingi muntu.” - isiZulu 2020 Futhi uPawulu akashongo yini kuThimothewu ukuthi uNkulunkulu akasinikanga umoya wokwesaba? 2 KuThimothewu 1:7 “Ngokuba uNkulunkulu akasinikanga umoya wobugwala, kepha owamandla, nowothando, nowokuzithiba.” - Ihunyushwe ngokuqondile isuka ku - Berean Study Bible Yebo, uNkulunkulu unguMdali wazo zonke izinto, kodwa ngenxa yobubi obudalwa uNkulunkulu ( Isaya 45:7 ), wenza uSathane umholi wakhe, umbusi wezwe ( Johane 14:30 ). Ukwesaba kuvela ezandleni zikaSathane. Lowo kwakuwumsebenzi wakhe. Ngemva kokukhohlisa u- Adamu no-Eva (ababengakwazi ukwesaba kwangaphambili) ekungalalelini, ukuphila kwabo okunokuthula kwaguqulwa kwaba ukuphila kokwesaba. Noma iyiphi impilo yokwesaba iphucwa inkululeko futhi ngaleyo ndlela akukho ukuphila nhlobo. Ngakho ukuphila kwabo kwase kuphenduke kwaba UKUFA komoya, ngenxa yokungalaleli badla “emthini wokwazi, wokuhle nokubi” uNkulunkulu ayebanqabele ukuba bawenze. Abazange bamamukele uNkulunkulu futhi babengasekho Kuye. Ngakho bakunambitha ngempela ukufa okungokomoya. Ingabe labo okuthiwa ‘amaKrestu' bakuKristu namuhla? Cha. Abamamukeli uKristu, futhi abasamukeli isenzo Sakhe somusa wendawo yonke. Futhi uma umuntu engekho kuKristu, khona-ke usekufeni. Leli 'bandla' lisebenza ekufeni nasebumnyameni. Ngicela ufunde ukuthi uJesu wathini “ngabafileyo bembela abafileyo” kuLuka 9:60 . IGenesisi 3:10 “Waphendula wathi: “Ngizwe izigi zakho ensimini, ngase ngesaba ngoba ngihamba ze, ngacasha.”” - isiZulu 2020 NgokukaLuka 9:59-60 59  Wayesethi komunye: “Ngilandele.” Wathi yena: “Ngivumele ngiye kuqala ukuyakummbela ubaba.” 60  Kepha wathi kuye: “Yeka abafileyo bembele abafileyo babo, kodwa hamba wena, ushumayele umbuso kaNkulunkulu.”” - IBHAYIBHELI ELINGCWELE (ZUL59) Ukuba KUKRESTU kuwukumnika okuncamelayo ngaphezu kwakho konke! Ukuba KUKristu wukuba nokuPhila! Ukwesaba bekulokhu kulondolozwe uSathane kusukela ngaleso sikhathi futhi uma kuziwa ebuKristwini bamanga, ‘isihogo somlilo saphakade’ siyindaba yakhe yempumelelo enkulu kuze kube namuhla. Okugxilwe kukho lapha " ingunaphakade ", isichasiso esingaxazululi kakhulu esingezwe ababhali bosuku lwembubhiso abachemile. Igama elihunyushwe kabi kakhulu eBhayibhelini Ukudlala “ngephakade” (kanye nakho konke ukuguquguquka kwalo) kudlala ngoNkulunkulu… uMlilo! Bheka ngezansi ukuze uthole umehluko phakathi kwezinguqulo ezimbili zevesi elifanayo. Matthew 25:41 “"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” - New International Version Matthew 25:41 “Then shall he say also to those on the left hand, Go ye from me, the cursed, to the fire, the age-during, that hath been prepared for the Devil and his messengers;” - Young’s Literal Translation In ALL the Greek versions only “aiōnion- αιωνιον” (of the age) are reflected. Now which of the two versions above resonates with you… the eternal fire one, or the age-during one? Preference of the billions false ‘Christians’, both historically and presently alike, points to the first version . Are you one of those, reading here? You know of course that an eon (and its inflection eonion ) is a very long period, but with a limited (cut-off) duration. If you fall under ‘eternal-hell-believing’ society, then your preference goes without saying. Ecclesiastes 3:11 “…He has also set eternity in their heart , yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.” - NASB 1995 Ecclesiastes 3:11 explicitly states that God made “eternity” unknown to man ( #5769 ), keeping it locked up within his- or her innermost being… the heart. How arrogant can one get… thinking he/she can unlock that which God keeps locked. Unlock with what key? The key that opens the [wrong] door of deceit. Nobody knows what eternity means. “Eternity” is still a mystery to be disclosed by God Himself at the time where there will no more time anymore… only the endless present bliss of ALL humanity within Him! Please read Revelation 21:4 . For the Christian believing in the unlimited atonement of Christ’s Blood, eternity poses no threat at all. Only eternal joy comes to mind. However, when this ‘eternity’ is portrayed to vulnerant people as being tied to ‘endless’ torment in a ‘hellfire’ upon disbelief, this is as much inhumane cruelty as it is human control in its worst form. The numbers of those believing in this fallacy of eternal punishment is the transparent proof of Satan’s brilliant success. Let’s see what Jeremiah far back in his time already had to say about scribes… Jeremiah 8:8 “"'How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?” - New International Version And what do modern scribes do? They change “age-long” into “eternal”. The reality of “eternity” is for the [true] believer not yet a reality on earth, but rather a joyful inner experience of the shadow of the reality thereof, the reality that will be experienced in the future within Christ ( Colossians 2:14- 20 ) Paul was in paradise ( 2 Corinthians 12:4 ) and after that he could not wait to go ( Philippians 1:23 ) and be with Christ. Life on earth is determined by limited time and to imagine torture in a vacuum of timelessness must be downright frightening to any unbeliever. This is not even mentioning the fear that is imprinted in the small children of these unbelievers. To burden a child at such a vulnerable age already and have him or her grow up with this horrible lie is beyond sadness. This fear stays within that child all the way. Fear keeps people captive and in chains. I recall the incident when a man from the Seventh Day Adventist was in our home many years ago. When I told him that there is no such thing as an everlasting hell of condemnation, his exact words were “Willien, I cringe inside. I want to believe you, but what if you are wrong!?“ What a classical reaction of fear that was. It has not changed to this day… a reaction spanning across ALL denominations of this so-called reformed ‘Christian’ church, as well as the Catholic church and Orthodox church for that matter! This reaction, however, has many faces. The most common forms are total silence, sarcasm, anger, or the pretence to agree to avoid an argument. All these we experienced over the years. How can anybody in his- or her right mind reconcile everlasting torment for billions upon billions with a God of love? How can anyone with a PhD qualification and a title like Prof., or Dr. in the faculty of Theology believe in such nonsense, if not at the deceiving hand of Satan… nevertheless pre-orchestrated by God? Pre-orchestrated? Yes! God deliberately created academic institutions, especially theologian faculties; firstly to be idolised by man and then secondly for man to taste their foolish- and futile teachings. Futile? Yes! Did the world become a better place? No! Quite the contrary. Did it become healthier? No! The world is sick to the bone. Do the so- called ‘Christians’ have inner peace and joy? No! The church is full of hatred! Reality shows all over. Wisdom ONLY comes from the Holy Spirit! See below. Matthew 11:25 “At that time Jesus declared, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” - Berean Study Bible And why would Jesus, who IS love, say the following if He did not have the wonderful end result in sight for ALL mankind? By the way, what is this “fire” Jesus talks about? It is the Fire Himself. He is the purifying Fire that will purify ALL humanity into loving Kingdom citizens, salting them with Fire. Luke 12:49 “”I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” - New International Version Mark 9:49 “For everyone will be salted with fire.” - Berean Literal Bible His purification happened on earth for the apostle Paul and his followers ( 1 Corinthians 11:32 ). They were not destined for the second death purification, but they tremendously suffered nonetheless. Moreover, they delighted in their suffering, because they shared in the suffering of Christ. 1 Peter 4:13 “But rejoice that you share in the sufferings of The Messiah, for in this way also you shall rejoice and be jubilant in the revelation of his glory.” - Aramaic Bible in Plain English How can we ever expect to share in the everlasting glory and joy of Christ, His glory of unfathomable magnitude, without us having gone through extreme suffering ourselves? Unbearable carnal suffering is what it takes to pass the compulsory fire test of genuine faith, the faith in Romans 4:5 . Running to counselling rooms for comfort is to just keep one from doing the test. In this test there is no feel-good therapy, only painful correction. Moreover, with this test there is only One Counsellor and His Name is Jesus Christ ( Isaiah 9:6 ). Playing counsellor is putting the focus on man, not the Christ of the apostle Paul. All so-called church counsellors are doing their counselling in the name of their false ‘christ’. Doesn’t the Bible say in Jeremiah 17:5 that those consulting man is under a curse? Playing counsellor is feeding the ego, not crushing it. In [True] Jesus Christ there is no ego, only fulfilment. 1 Peter 1:7 “Such trials show the proven character of your faith, which is much more valuable than gold--gold that is tested by fire, even though it is passing away--and will bring praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” - NET Bible And what is the “joy” Jesus talks about in the next verse below? Joy of annihilating the billions mentioned above? Absurd beyond! Jesus’ joy was because of the end result for ALL people! And this immense joy was the focus of the Messiah! He delighted in His joy afterwards with all mankind beforehand already. And so all of us must also put our joyful focus on Christ, not on His suffering, but on His resurrection, on our behalf, unto eternal life with Him. Being baptized in Him, is to be resurrected with Him. THAT is the hope True Christianity gives. Baptism * within false Christianity has no power at all and is of no meaning whatsoever! * Please refer “Baptism” on the “A-Z Subject” page Hebrews 12:2 “keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set out for him he endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.” - NET Bible What is the most common phrase of [however, well- meant] urgent warning comments below social media videos to those on the receiving end of natural catastrophes like landslides, earthquakes and floods today? Something to the effect of “turn to Jesus now and repent, before it is too late!” Too late for what? All this is forcing people [yet again] into calling Jesus out of fear for ‘eternal hell’, and not out of love for His sacrifice for them. What they need to hear is Jesus has died for you too, because of His love for you. His shed Blood already saved you and you have already inherited eternal life. Call His Name out of gratitude, not out of fear. All is well. He is in control! This is the kind of message people in distress need to hear, a message of hope in a ‘hopeless’ situation. Whoever is reading here, please rejoice, for you too will know the Christ of the Bible and will have ONLY joy and fulfilment with Him forever and ever. Jeremiah 31:34 “No longer will each man teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more.”” - Berean Study Bible True Christianity has nothing to do with man-made buildings. True Christianity has ALL to do with the heart within a person. There is only one place where the God of the Bible tangibly resides and that is within the hearts of those who believe in the un limited redemptive act of Christ at Golgotha. True Christianity is the love that radiates from within. What’s in the heart is revealed on the surface. When one has the True Christ within one it is impossible not to have a joy that is able to overshadow any adversity, because of the hope one has. The powerful Act of Christ that tore the temple curtain of separation in two, gave free access for all people to the sanctuary of peace and safety. If a person is at peace within, all those around him or her will know it. As an outsider, just test an ‘eternal-hell-believing‘ ‘Christian’ by questioning his or her faith and see how he or she reacts. Professors and prominent university figures in Theology faculties on high seats included. It does not take much to force their hidden conceit to surface. What’s going on in the heart is by nature difficult to contain. By their self proclaimed “free will” and “free choice” they have denied themselves the inner sanctuary of Christ and are thus kept from entering it by the very Christ they resist, the Christ who has no favorites ( Romans 2:11 ). Hebrews 6:19 “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, sure and steadfast, which reaches inside behind the curtain,” - NET Bible Paul clearly attests here of the secure anchor of hope they had, only having had to reach deep within their hearts, their sanctuaries where Christ resides. No use running elsewhere for comfort. Comfort is within ourselves, within Christ! Experience is proof! All’s well that ends well. All will have eternal life. There will be NO everlasting hell. “ALL”? True Christians, fake ‘Christians’, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Sikhs, etc. EVERYBODY! If you read here and you’re in distress in a seemingly hopeless situation, even if you do not even have a Bible, just call the TRUE Jesus’ Name. He is alive. He will hear you! Romans 4:5 “But to the one who does not work, but believes in the one who declares the ungodly righteous , his faith is credited as righteousness.” - NET Bible The “one who does not work” in Romans 4:5 is the one under the law of grace and not under the law of Moses, thus indicating the one regarding him-, or herself to be a Christian. The “ungodly” in this verse is the one disrespecting God, the one not believing in Him. This verse also clearly states that God in His love also declares the unbelieving- and disrespecting person to be justified (righteous), to be acquitted from all his- or her sins, the moment of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross. Jesus’ Blood made sin eternally obsolete in having fulfilled the law of Moses forever. There is only one perfect law now as prerequisite for eternal life and that is the law of Christ, the law of Grace. There are no deeds required anymore, only those done out of gratitude! So what is righteous faith at its core? It is believing that God has declared the unbelieving person to be acquitted of all sin, to have been reconciled with God and thus declared worthy of everlasting life with Him. However, does this verse say that God has declared the faith of this unbelieving person to be righteous too? No, not at all. This is significant because only with righteous faith can one enter the heavenly Kingdom of God. This in fact means that, although eternal life in heaven is already a done deal for the [now-declared-righteous] unbelieving person as well, it is STILL imperative for this person to also have acquired righteous faith before entering this heavenly Kingdom of God. Very important to realize here is also that fake ‘Christians’ do NOT believe this verse! This is the most important verse in the Bible when it comes to representing the faith that encapsulates true Christianity . By the same token it is the most threatening verse in the Bible that crushes the ‘everlasting hell damnation’ dogma of false christianity ’, a dogma preached from pulpits around the world to this day! This is the verse totally ignored on these religious platforms, because of running the risk losing millions upon millions of ignorant paying members, who sustain a global codependency institution under the umbrella of ‘Christendom’. Codependency? Yes, financial exploitation on one side and a weekly feasting on the ‘feel-good-self- centered-hour’ on the other. Harsh words yes, but not harsh enough when it comes to the abominable scorn of the Blood of Christ. To subject His Blood to the ‘choice’ of man is the most shameful insult possible! Not believing Romans 4:5 puts all the ‘hell-believing Christians’ in the same category as the aforementioned unbeliever. It cannot be stressed enough the extreme importance of having righteous faith in order to meet with Christ in the air upon His second coming, being spared the painful disciplinary correction of God in the “Lake of Fire” ( Revelation 21:8 ; 1 Corinthians 15:26 ). The apostle Paul had this righteous faith. That is why God had him write Romans 4:5 . The Bible is very clear on this. All the nations will hear this message of joy and then the end will come! Christ in fact commanded His disciples shortly after His resurrection to have this good news proclaimed to all the nations and unto repentance. So what happened? The lie crept in. Where? At the Synod of Nicene in the time of Constantine I. The subsequent false message has been going around the world for nearly 1,700 years now and worst is that heresy has become the ‘truth’, the norm taken for granted, the so-called reformed church of 500 years as well. It drags the lie with it all along to this day. Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” - Berean Study Bible What does “saint” mean? It simply means set aside”, or “holy”, Set aside JUST as you are, NOT dressed up in special clothes that portrays exclusivity to draw attention ( Matthew 6:5 ), NOT having to walk around with a ‘pious’ face, NOT having to speak in a fabricated sanctimonious voice tone, NOT having to stand out to draw attention on a pulpit surrounded with candles, or within an artificial atmosphere of ‘holiness’. Jesus was SO inconspicuous, that Judas had to kiss Jesus to identify Him for the mob to arrest Him ( Mark 14:44 ). Whoever you are, whatever you’ve done, whatever you NOW believe, whatever language you speak, wherever you come from, whatever skin colour you have… you have eternal life already! You are set aside! Set aside for WHOM? For the ALMIGHTY GOD of the universe, the God of the Bible, the God who loves EVERYONE, including YOU! The God who already reconciled you to HIMSELF with Jesus’ sacrificial Blood. Call His Name, Jesus Christ ! He is alive! He is the Living God! Believe that He has saved ALL mankind already and you will be spared the painful (but temporary) second death and will take part in the FIRST resurrection when Jesus will be revealed at His second coming ( Revelation 20:6 )! 1 Peter 1:16 “for it is written: “ Be holy, because I am holy.”” - Berean Study Bible 1 Peter 1:16 διότι γέγραπται ὅτι Ἅγιοι ἔσεσθε, ὅτι ἐγὼ ἅγιος. - Westcott & Hort 1881 #1360 #1125 #3754 #40 #1510 #3754 #1473 #40 διότι γέγραπται ὅτι Ἅγιοι ἔσεσθε, ὅτι ἐγὼ ἅγιος. dioti gegraptai hoti Hagioi esesthe, hoti egō hagios. “,in as much as it has been written because Holy you [be], because I holy.” Please read the whole 1 Peter 1. Isaiah 25:6-9 6  On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine— the best of meats and the finest of wines. 7  On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; 8  he will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove his people’s disgrace from all the earth. The LORD has spoken. 9  In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the LORD, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”” - New International Version Jesus has the last say in the last verse in the Bible! Revelation 22:21 Ἡ χάρις τοῦ Κυρίου Ἰησοῦ μετὰ πάντων. “Hē charis tou Kyriou Iēsou meta pantōn” “The grace of the Lord Jesus with all.” - Nestle Greek New Testament 1904 The “saints” and “Amen” added at the end in most versions, are correctly omitted here, because all are saints! Exclusivity, proclaimed by false ‘Christianity’ is completely crushed here. TRUE CHRISTIANITY thus welcomes ALL people to be part of God’s Holy Family ALREADY. HALLELUJAH For more detail around this page please visit the A-Z Subjects. Please visit our other website, , should you be interested.
Last Updated: 06.12.2023
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