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Colossians 1:22 “But now He has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy , unblemished , and blameless in His presence —” - Berean Standard Bible THIS is the CHRIST of TRUE CHRISTIANITY CHRIST being the ALPHA in ALL! The FIRST in EVERYTHING! The FIRST to LOVE, and the FIRST to declare YOU HOLY too! Is this not how it works in this life on earth too? If you take the FIRST step to treat a person with DIGNITY , irrespective of that person being rude and malign in his or her behaviour, does it not so happen that that person starts to act accordingly? What happens If someone, stemming from a hostile background of hatred and disregard and having inevitably BECOME that background, is all of a sudden treated in an opposite manner of LOVE and RESPECT ? That person for the FIRST time in his or her life feels validated , feels admired , feels loved and respected ! Love changes all ! Love is power ! Only love is needed to make a person automatically change for the opposite, being prompted to live up to that love and worth bestowed upon him or her! Reality is the proof! The moment the penny drops and you believe in THIS CHRIST , that moment you start weeping like Peter did when he realised how he has denied the Jesus who loved him first. Peter was overcome with sorrow! You can NEVER earn your holiness! You can only experience holiness without an ego and the so-called ‘free will’! You can only accept a gift in humility! You can only have freedom in humility, having a JOY unknown! How can you APPLY this verse above to YOURSELF if you don’t believe it? How can you BELIEVE it other than to directly ask this Christ for it? Besides, How can you ACT holy if you don’t FEEL holy? Likewise, how can you ACT lovingly if you don’t FEEL loved? If this does not blow your mind, then what will? This is the Christ the world has never heard about! This is the Christ on whose Blood the 2.3 billion so-called ‘Christians’ are trampling upon! This is the Christ who has made you holy , unblemished and blameless through His unimaginable suffering for YOU , no matter who you are, or what you believe! And you, ‘Christian’, you who believe in everlasting condemnation, you are guilty of the most abominable trespass possible. Have you any idea of the extreme penalty awaiting all those who trample upon Jesus’ Blood? Anybody who does not believe this will have to go through extreme painful correction at the hand of Christ… in order to have everlasting life with Him in heaven! YES , ALL are holy , being set aside for God at Golgotha already! Have you ever seen this message on the internet, let alone having heard this from pulpits? NO . See, the so-called ‘Christian’ church patriarchs don’t want ANYBODY to know this, because their concrete structures of control will come tumbling down in no time! Because this would mean NO control, NO power, NO money anymore! To focus on verses around Christ’s unlimited atonement will be the most unwise ’ route to take and a no-no from start! Is this message a foreign concept to you? Sure it is! Why? Because deception is rhetorical fallacy. Truth is being made the unfamiliar , kept away for millennia through sophism, especially around Christ ! Everything that ever happens on earth is part and parcel of the Biblical prophecy of global deception come true! Deception is all part of God’s Holy Plan and nobody is in control, the very reason I do not hold anyone accountable for anything, however, to express myself with boldness comes automatic, as it’s crunch time for all humanity, giving no room for mollifying talk at all. This is no consulting room, but a website caring for ALL people! Revelation 12:9 “And the great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world . He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.” - Berean Standard Bible Romans 2:11 “For there is no partiality with God.” - Berean Literal Bible God has NO favourites I strictly address the so-called ‘Christian’ church here, the church with its thousands of skyrocketing denominational cries of exclusivity all over the planet, all of which each proclaims to have ‘exclusive truth’, with its ‘unique touch’ to draw the gullible crowds. Which one of these is the prime root you think? The exclusivity-cloaked Roman Catholic Church ! And, here of course all reformed churches under the same umbrella lie of eternal condemnation ’, together with their same pagan practices , are not excluded, as their boats are very much in the same sea of schismatic storms as well. You’ve been taken for a ride on these for far too long! So then, know this ONCE and for ALL… 2 Corinthians 5:19-20 19  that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ , not counting people’s sins against them . And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20  We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God .” - New International Version What does this mean in plain English? It means that, with the sacrificial death of Christ at Golgotha, God has torn His temple curtain of separation in two, giving access for ALL to HIM , the HOLY GOD of the universe! It means that He has wiped ALL SIN from the face of the earth, cleansing the slate of everyone , including YOURS ! It means that HE has put His arms around YOU and everyone else and that He is NO longer separated from anybody, having brought everyone into His holiness ! By even justifying the unbeliever , He has declared ALL people RIGHTEOUS , to be good enough ! Have you reconciled YOU to this GOD ? If you haven’t, then you can’t experience your holiness at all. Moreover, you cannot by default feel good about yourself and neither can you internally feel completely sure of going to heaven, as long as you have this ‘eternal damnation’ cloud hovering above you. Harsh words, but imperative to make you think! Romans 4:5 “But to the one who does not work , but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly , his faith is credited as righteousness ,” - NASB 1995 Only WITHIN believing this verse you have righteous faith and ONLY with righteous faith can you be WITHIN Christ! Do you accept the holiness He gave you ? Do you accept the mere fact that God has declared the UNBELIEVER to be holy too? Is it too much for you to digest that those, having inflicted you with so much pain, going ‘scot free’ to heaven? Rest assured, NOBODY is going ‘scot free’ to heaven at all! ALL will be salted with Fire first and you of course know how sore purifying salt is to a wound, let alone salt WITH Fire ! Mark 9:49 “Everyone will be salted with fire.” - New International Version Hebrews 10:31 “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” - New International Version God’s purification of ALL is EXTREMELY sore. Why? Because God’s ultimate GLORY for ALL will be indescribably wonderful ! So, the painful price NEVER outweighs the glorious RESULT ! Jesus knew the result! He knew the pain awaiting HIM at Golgotha, but also the GLORY awaiting ALL , AFTER His painful disciplining of everyone, whether on earth, in Hades, or in the Gehenna ( Lake of Fire ). Jesus couldn’t wait to kindle the Fire, starting with His purification work after His ascension into His Father’s right hand of discipline, Jesus then BEING His Father’s Right Hand of Fire! Paul’s correction was on earth ( 1 Corinthians 11:32 )! So, it’s far better having it here than inevitably later! Hebrews 12:2 “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame , and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” - Berean Standard Bible Luke 12:49 ““I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” - New International Version 1 John 3:5-6 5  But you know that Christ appeared to take away sins , and in Him there is no sin . 6   No one who remains in Him keeps on sinning . No one who continues to sin has seen Him or known Him.” - Berean Standard Bible To repeat myself, since Christ has taken ALL sin away from ALL humanity and since He HAS NO sin, every person who is within Him has NO SIN either ! This simply means that ONLY the one who believes in this Christ knows Him and is within Him! This has incredible value in that you KNOW you have no sin, which gives you the peace that surpasses all understanding, guarding your heart and your mind WITHIN Him ( Philippians 4:7 ). And not only do you have this wonderful security and consolation within Him, but you also have the intimate relationship with Him to have the courage to directly ask HIM for forgiveness for any trespass that bothers you. The beauty is, He immediately forgives you your trespass and the peace mentioned above is restored in seconds! Even Paul constantly suffered missing the mark, but he so beautifully explains his freedom in his slavery to Christ’s GRACE and not to the law of the flesh. See below. Romans 7:23-25 23  but I see another law at work in me , waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. 24  What a wretched man I am ! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? 25   Thanks be to God , who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law , but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin . ” - New International Version Romans 8:1-2 1   Therefore , there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus , 2  because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. ” - New International Version Do you visit a confession booth for absolution of your sins by a priest? And if you do, just know that this is totally unbiblical ! Does the phrase No, Jesus is too busy, I cannot bother Him with my problem sound familiar to you? This was what my next door neighbour of way back told me upon my suggestion to her to ask Christ for assistance with a serious problem she had. The following is a paraphrase of the response Hans- Joachim, as a small boy in Germany, got from a priest to whom he went for confession, You confessed now . Now go to the saint over there and pray this prayer quite a few times . Don’t go to Jesus [on the crucifix] though , because He is too busy . Then light a candle ”. The candle was not free and Hans-Joachim, having had no money with him, had to run home to fetch a few scarce “Groschen” to buy one. 1 John 1:6-7 6  If we say we have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness , we lie and do not practice the truth . 7  But if we walk in the light as He is in the light , we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin .” - Berean Standard Bible Yes, we constantly miss the mark and for that Christ also made provision. With His constant Presence within us and His constant awareness of our every step and inner feelings ( Proverbs 16:9 ), it becomes second nature to just go to Him whenever we want to get something off our chest as in Him we find immediate relief and pardon ( Matthew 11:28 ). 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness .” - New International Version 1 John 2:1 “My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin , we have an advocate with the Father— Jesus Christ , the Righteous One.” - New International Version WHERE in the Bible does it say to go to a priest to have your sins absolved? NOWHERE! Where does a priest get the authority to do that from? NOT in the Bible! No, a priest is given this authority from mortal man, NOT Christ at all. Besides, does the priest believe in everlasting condemnation? YES . See, fallible as he also is, what does a priest know about one’s inner being and inner struggles? Nothing! But Christ knows everyone of us not only in totality, but also with a compassion impossible to comprehend. Every tear of us rolling down His Fatherly chest releases pain, making room for calm. Christ is only a thought away. Nowhere else on this planet does one feel so secure and at home as in His arms! We can go to Him for ANYTHING, without having to recite any pre-written prayers from someone else. We can just talk to Him, EVEN be angry at Him, EVEN shouting at Him. All He wants is for us to come to Him just as we are. NO pretence! Let us pause for a moment at the VATICAN in ROME Do you not see the VATICAN WOOD for its trees? (Vatican, seat of the Roman Catholic Church) Either you see it and just ignore it, or you don’t see it at all To cut to the chase… THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IS DIVIDED! It’s of NO use going through all the trouble of scrutinizing its bulky Catechism with all its subdivisions. See, NONE of all that is encapsulated in that document holds any water , simply because ANY catechism that cannot keep its followers in unity is stripped from all credibility. It only takes one tiny drop of lethal poison to make a delicious cake deadly. And what IS this tiny drop with its global toxicity ? THE LIE around Christ’s atoning Blood ! The LIE of everlasting damnation ! The Catholic church is deeply divided and known for its schisms. Besides, what is a catechism in any case other that a manmade instructional document, comprising of a series of questions, answers, or precepts? Is man fallible? YES ! Is Satan fallible? Of course . Is Jesus Christ fallible? NO , NEVER ! Christ inspired the Bible, but His Word fell into the hands of bias scribes! What about ALL the Protestant churches? Same story carried forward Do you not ALSO see the PROTESTANT WOOD for its trees? With its 30,000+ denominations? DIV IDED big time And their Catechisms, what global drop of lethality do they have in common with that of the Vatican? The SAME dividing lethal LIE of everlasting damnation of course, carried forward regardless, ever since the inquisition! And their scribes, what did THEY do in the name of hermeneutics! No use for the pot calling the kettle black. BOTH are BLACK ! BOTH are in DARKNESS and BOTH play a BIG part in God’s Holy Plan! The Bible is crystal clear that the WHOLE world will be deceived by Satan, the father of lies . SO, are these two organizations accountable? NO! ONLY God is accountable, and therefore CHRIST! Isaiah 45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness, I make peace , and create evil : I the Lord that do all these things.” - Douay-Rheims Bible However, Jesus Christ HAS already paid in FULL for ALL the evil He was accountable for! Jesus Christ has settled the bill at Golgotha! Yes, Christ has declared ALL holy , as is reflected in Colossians 1:22 above, JUST as He has declared the unbeliever ALSO righteous, thus HOLY, with His death. Fact remains, irrespective of being declared holy by Christ does NOT mean that the one NOT believing in His universal- and UNLIMITED atonement for all humanity, is off the hook. A FAR cry from it. Not believing it makes one an UNBELIEVER! And what does this in effect mean? The Roman Catholics (Pope included of course) and all the Protestants believing the lie of eternal damnation are ALL UNBELIEVERS ! This has an utterly-painful implication on the day of judgement, where Christ will have THEM set the record straight for the most abominable trespass they fell prey to by Satan, ruler of the world. Hebrews 10:9 “How much more severely do you think one deserves to be punished who has trampled on the Son of God , profaned the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and insulted the Spirit of grace?” - Berean Standard Bible This then being reason enough to address the church with its exhibits of ‘UNHOLY BEHAVIOUR’ Starting with the scribes… Holiness has NO room for falseness What did Jeremiah say about scribes? Jeremiah 8:8 ““’How can you say, We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD ,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely ?” - New International Version And Solomon’s response to Jeremiah? Ecclesiastes 1:9 “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again ; there is nothing new under the sun.” - New International Version Let’s talk about INTERPOLATION . Matthew 24:36 for instance. Please check the discrepancy within different Bible versions around the “, nor the son ,” (GREEK “,οὐδὲ Υἱός,” ). See the ones left out and the ones added. OF COURSE Jesus knows the hour! Besides, Jesus is the FATHER too ( Isaiah 9:6 )! There is NO consensus here. So then, what is the chance that this phrase was indeed added? 100%! And the rationale for such addition? How about deliberately having degraded Jesus as a subordinate? Another example is 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 . please see what Philip Barton Payne has to say about the divergent positioning of these two verses, either after 1 Corinthians 14:33 , or after 1 Corinthians 14:40 . This is VERY significant, taken into account the male dominance in the Vatican, the whole Catholic church for that matter, excluding women in the hierarchy, as they are clearly regarded as being inferior and NOT to be seen, let alone heard. And what about hermeneutics, the lots of added modal auxiliary verbs, like “might”, seeding doubt, especially when it comes to the salvation of man? Dividedness of the church(es) What causes dividedness? The ego Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” - New International Version What did Jesus say about a divided church? Mark 3:25-26 25  If a house is divided against itself , that house cannot stand . 26  And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come.” - New International Version Any house needs a cornerstone as first foundational stone for stability, as this building block sets the direction of the rest of the construction. This very principle applies to any organization, or system. It ALSO applies to any group of people that functions as a whole towards a common goal and for the goal to materialise harmony amongst all members of the group is imperative. If the symbolic cornerstone of any Christian congregation is NOT the Christ whose Blood has already saved ALL humanity, then that congregation is inevitably prone to be dismantled, because of disharmony, which is EXACTLY what is happening to this day with the over 30,000 denominations! Division is all over the show and when I say “show” I mean SHOW ”! What else is the church other than a SHOW, depicting hierarchical division ? ALL other so-called organised ‘Christian’ churches for that matter too! And what has these ‘ SHOWS ’ of theirs to do with HOLINESS ? NOTHING ! Was Jesus ever giving a show to be seen? NO ! Jesus Christ is HOLY, without a show But, let’s see what the churches’ ‘SHOWS’ look like Exclusivity, male dominance, control, fame, conceit, pomp, paganism and money Exclusivity? Romans 5:18 “Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people .” - New International Version This verse speaks for itself. Jesus Christ’s death at Golgotha had ALL people been JUSTIFIED . Done deal! This NULLIFIES the proclamation of exclusivity from both the Catholic Churches and the Protestant churches. Justification included ALL humanity! And, by the way, what does this exclusivity in effect mean in the books of these two groups? For each it means the sole admission into eternal life in heaven. How arrogant! Male dominance? Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male and female ; for you are all one in Christ Jesus .” - Berean Literal Bible Yet again, the Bible speaks for itself, this verse being no exception as it clearly states that there is NO GENDER INEQUALITY ! On what