Jesus has ALREADY saved the world! John 3:17 “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” - New International Version Which one of these two verses do you choose? Careful, because God sees your heart! John 3:17 ““For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” - NASB 1995 Please notice here how incongruently this verse is handled. The first part is correctly translated with the into the world to judge the world ”, expressing the purposefulness of God . The second part reflects quite the opposite, expressing the doubtfulness of God ! On both occasions the Greek ἵνα ”(#2443) is reflected. The Greek ἵνα (#2443) means in order to ”, or “simply to ”. Why all of a sudden the turnaround in the second part to express doubt regarding the salvation by Christ? Why not ALSO translate with to save the world ”? Too dangerous, because the ‘everlasting damnation’ dogma will fall flat, with the whole church tumbling down. This playing with grammar has a painful implication for the scribes behind it. They are playing with fire and so do those who accept these added little modal auxiliaries (like “might”). The “might” is a doubt sower! The God of the Bible is a God of PURPOSE! God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ TO SAVE the world FIRST as Christ the Saviour. Thereafter comes the judgement by Christ the Judge of the world ( 2 Corinthians 5:10 ). No use to conveniently focus on John 3:16 only, especially with reference to “those who believe”. ALL will believe as Jesus is the Originator and the Perfecter of faith alike ( Hebrews 12:2 ). Those who do NOT believe that Jesus has already saved the whole world with His death, WILL face Christ on Judgement day! What Jesus came to do in this world, He DID! John 19:28-30 28  After this, Jesus, knowing that all things had already been finished , in order to finish the Scripture , said, “I am thirsty .” 29  A jar full of sour wine was standing there; so they put a sponge full of the sour wine upon a branch of hyssop and brought it up to His mouth. 30  Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, It is finished! And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.” - Legacy Standard Bible Please go check all the Bible versions stating the “that Scripture might be fulfilled”. kept away from the whole world to this day and by none other than the current 2.3 billion                    ‘Christians’! giving inner peace and calm in a turbulent world of harm fuelling conflict and unrest disgracing Christ and failing the test One cannot acknowledge the truth while denying the fallacy. One cannot acknowledge the fallacy without admitting reality. There is no religion in the world that has to date caused so much pain and suffering as the religion that operated under the name of “Christianity” since 325 CE. And the worst part of all is that it still, after nearly 1,700 years, proclaims to be representative of the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. If you want to talk about heresy, then you need not go any further. This ‘Christianity’ you know today is a heretic society saturated with conceit, control, hypocrisy, division, malice, hatred, arrogance, cowardice, bitterness, envy, greed, jealousy, interpersonal strife, gossip, slander, cyberbullying amongst themselves, backstabbing, codependency, and the list goes on and on and on. And why all this? Because false ‘Christianity’ is a religion, bound to rules and woven in fear. True Christianity is NOT a religion. It’s expressing the freedom of being woven in love within the Presence of Christ. The so-called ‘Christian church is not free at all. There is only ONE reason for this. The Spirit of Christ is not present in this diverse community of 2.3 billion with all its millions of church buildings around the world ( Acts 7:48 ). Christ is not where pomp and frills, pious rituals, arousing drums on stages, Jewish feast upholding, ‘everlasting hell’-supporting “donate” buttons on ministry websites and money love are present. Although this church, in the name of “Christianity”, is so multidenominational, the three common features shared by all of them are eternal damnation ”, rules and rituals ”, whether from the Synod of Nicene, or from the Torah. All their grace-rejecting rules and rituals are but shackles of slavery to ‘clear’ their guilty consciences and get a ‘sanctifying stamp of approval’. But, in vain. Frustration with the inability to uphold their pretentious piety and insecurity are what cause their behaviour. This church has been going out into the world for centuries, preaching the lie of an everlasting condemnation, to millions upon millions of ignorant people, ridiculing the grace of Christ and feasting on their fear. They force vulnerable third world communities into believing in the false ‘Christ’ who will ‘annihilate them in a hell fire’, should they disbelieve. Do these missionaries bring the good news of Christ at all? Needless to answer. What these church members are totally oblivious about is the fact that they themselves are destined to land in this very ‘hellfire’ they threaten their audiences with. But there is an incomparable difference between the ‘hellfire’ they proclaim and the ‘hellfire’ of Revelation 21:8 , the latter being the temporary second death of discipline (Lake of Fire), which will be conquered by Christ ( 1 Corinthians 15:26 ), when He has brought all to life again. Thank God. It’s all about spiritual life. Those in the true Christ today already has spiritual eternal life and are spared the Lake of Fiery discipline. Revelation 21:8 ““But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars , their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”” - NASB 1995 What’s more, because of this atrocious lie these very church members make themselves guilty of the unpardonable sin the Bible talks about, the trespass that secures a punishment in the most intense fashion they will not get away from, as is reflected in Matthew 12:31-32 and Hebrews 10:28-29 . “Unforgiven” simply means “to not getting away without punishment”. The Blood of Christ is not to be played with, ever! What does this “everlasting condemnation” lie they proclaim mean? It means that Jesus’ shed Blood was in vain and did not have the power to save those who did not choose Him, making His Blood subordinate to the ‘choice’ of man. And not only that, Who raised Jesus from the dead? His (Jesus’) Holy Spirit did that ( Romans 8:11 ). Are there three Holy Spirits? No, only One! Jesus IS the Holy Spirit and He told his disciples that in John 14:17 . His Holy Spirit gave eternal life to ALL ( Romans 8:10 ). False ‘Christianity’ rejects this by proclaiming eternal death and thus insulting the Holy Spirit! Hebrews 10:28-29 28  Anyone having set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercies on the basis of two or three witnesses. 29  How much worse punishment do you think will he deserve, the one having trampled upon the Son of God, and having esteemed ordinary the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and having insulted the Spirit of grace?” - Berean Literal Bible Done deal The apostle Paul did not acknowledge Jesus when he prosecuted the church ( Acts 8:3 and Galatians 1:13 ), thus having trampled upon Jesus’ Blood too. Did Paul get away with that? No. He suffered dearly ( Acts 9:16) because of it, in spite of the fact that he radically repented and was Baptized into Christ (the True Christ). However, because of his newly-acquired righteous faith and subsequent [true] Baptism , Jesus’ Power and Grace was upon him to finish his calling to spread the True Gospel ( 2 Corinthians 12:19 ). Having said all this, what does it boil down to for one still alive? The moment one realizes one’s personal trampling on Christ’s Blood, has immense remorse, confesses this terrible trespass, radically repents, openly admits the Truth about Jesus’ unlimited atonement for all humanity and gets Baptized * into this True Christ with joy (and not with ANY fear element of the old belief still present), he or she is spared God’s coming correction in the “Lake of Fire” ( 1 Corinthians 11:32) . Eternal Grace is as it is already in place even though temporary suffering accompanies this Grace. But the lovely HOPE one then has, makes indeed this suffering worth one’s while. It is by far better to have this suffering taken place on earth already than in the ‘Lake of Fire’ afterwards. THIS is the meaning of 1 Corinthians 11:32 . * Please refer “Baptism” in the “A-Z Subject” page And what about those having died, without having known Christ, let alone acknowledged Him? Every one of them will know Him and acknowledge Him and He will be not far away from anyone ( Jeremiah 31:34 and Acts 17:27 ). Remember God is a God of discipline, but He is also fair. Those who knew Him and still did not acknowledge Him will be given many stripes, but those who did not know Him will get few stripes ( Luke 12:47-48 ). The ultimate glory with God awaiting all does not come on a silver platter for anyone. But He will be there WITH everyone, in sheol and the Gehenna alike. He will draw everyone unto Himself, because of His Love ( John 12:32 )! Matthew 12:31-32 31  For this reason I tell you, people will be forgiven for every sin and blasphemy, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32  Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” - NET Bible Please notice the either in this age or the age to come here. An “age” has always to do with time. This verse does not talk about eternity, simply because “eternity” is something nobody can imagine, let alone define, because it has nothing to do with time at all ( Ecclesiastes 3:11 ). What does this verse say in effect? Even this extreme trespass will NOT be punished ‘forever’, but only within a limited time period before eternity commences. Eternity will only take place upon the white robes washed in the Blood of Christ, the washed robes of all humanity ( Revelation 7:14 ). THIS is the Good News! These fear-filled fear mongering church members not only deny themselves the indescribable peace and joy which the grace of the true Jesus gives; they also deny their listeners that as well. How? Firstly, they do not know the true Jesus. Secondly, they engage in having their followers share in their personal fear, the fear of an ‘eternal’ hellfire. So they keep kindling fear within their peaceless audiences, sustaining lie-forwarding communities, and so history repeats itself generation after generation, keeping the world filled with fear. Didn’t King Solomon say in Ecclesiastes 1:9 that there is nothing new under the sun? What was will be again? Romans 1:28-32 28  Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29  They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, 30  slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. They invent new forms of evil; they disobey their parents. 31  They are senseless, faithless, heartless, merciless. 32  Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them” - Berean Study Bible Matthew 10:32 “Therefore everyone who will confess in Me before men, I also will confess in him before My Father in the heavens.” - Berean Literal Bible When Hans-Joachim and I enthusiastically confess this Jesus above, the Jesus who died for all and saved all, everyone we are sharing it with here on this beautiful southern point of Africa simply keeps quiet. No response whatsoever, ever. So much so for a country seeing itself as predominantly eighty percent (80%) ‘Christian’. Of course I refer to South Africa here. Who is their Christ? If their Christ were our Christ, then surely they would have rejoiced WITH us, not so? Well, it’s just the opposite. But, there’s more. If I directly confront anyone face to face with the question “do you believe in an everlasting hell of condemnation?”, or even mentioning Romans 4:5 for that matter, then throughout comes the immediate hesitance to respond at all, completely as if frozen. In a face to face situation it is more difficult to show true emotions, because ‘Christians’ are ‘supposed’ to always behave piously and calmly. This face to face confrontation in person immediately throws them all off balance. A huge dilemma. But the picture gets uglier when confessing the true Christ in a telephonic conversation to these church members. Then this immediate face to face threat is absent and gives room for a faceless provocative backlash of either sneering sarcasm, or malicious rage. Attack is usually the best way of defence in circumstances like these. This is not a situation they experience from fellow ‘believers’ and therefore a foreign one to deal with. It’s like sudden xenophobia in a homogenous religious community when confronted by an outspoken outsider around their faith. Difficult situations always determine the validity of one’s faith. The worst of all are the cases I’ve experienced in which I have brought up the subject of the Christ of unlimited atonement to multiple PhD reverends, theologian professors and even with one as far up as a former rector of a university. One time when I confronted a certain professor, he even responded with a “you are not talking to an ordinary man here”. Titled people from academic institutions do not tolerate questioning from ‘commoners’. All the above scenarios speak book volumes of conceit, insecurity and fear. But, for Hans-Joachim and me it’s impossible not to relentlessly carry on, speaking our minds amidst this Goliath ‘church’. God, through a courageous and tiny David, conquered the giant enemy way back with one tiny pebble, together with His Power. Here we see that the so-called ‘Christian church’ with its big numbers are not representative of power at all, but representative of cowardice. Its members are singularly avoiding us when it comes to faith, which is nothing else but cowardice. Cowardice is usually masked amidst hordes. Those running away are the losers and it takes only ONE person who has the Power of the true Christ within to conquer this 2.3 billion church with a few words only, a few Bible verses for that matter. The ‘church’ is the representation of denialism. How many little ‘Davids’ are left in this world today? To be in the true Jesus Christ is to be in power… HIS Power! And this is nothing to boast about. To be in His Power is pure grace. See this therefore as a wake-up call and pledge to all to yearn for this Power. God first of all addresses the “cowardly” in Revelation 21:8 . Luke 21:15 “For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all those opposing you will not be able to resist nor to reply to.” - Berean Literal Bible What better proof is there when present reality is backed up with God’s Word? But, let’s see what Jesus Himself has to say about “many” and “few”. Matthew 7:22-23 22  Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23  Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’” - Berean Study Bible In whose name do the 2.3 billion Christians prophesy? In the name of Jesus, right? Well, which one, the True Jesus, or the false Jesus? And what law is Jesus talking about here? The law of Christ. At the time of Jesus' resurrection, this law came into effect, the Law of Grace for all people. Grace rejected by 2.3 billion false 'Christians'! False 'Christians' love to hate, point fingers, enjoy revenge, enjoy their enemies going to 'eternal hell'! False 'Christians' imitate the false 'Christ'! False 'Christians' are playing into Satan's hands! False 'Christians' are members of the biggest cult in the world! Luke 18:7-8 7  Will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry out to Him day and night? Will He continue to defer their help? 8  I tell you, He will promptly carry out justice on their behalf. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth ?”” - Berean Study Bible Matthew 22:14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.”” - Berean Study Bible It is loud and clear here that God’s first elect is only a few ( Matthew 7:14 ), in spite of the fact that eventually all people will be elected as well ( 1 Corinthians 15:23 ; Ezekiel 18:4-32 ; Ezekiel 36:26 ). This small elect cry out to God day and night. Who will cry out day and night to God? Those in distress. Are 2.3 billion, who spend so much time on social media, crying out to God in distress? Please be real. And also, why would Jesus have asked if He would still find faith when He returns, you think? Because He knew He would not, but His elect. Where does the 2.3 billion come in? Think about this. You can still be one of the few. Satan uses this convenient tool of FEAR to control people, to scare them away not only from nature’s true medicine * , but primarily to scare people away from the true Christ! Satan feasts upon the innate nature of man, the nature of fearfulness. That is why he is SO successful with the pharmaceutical industry ** ! Who is the ruler of fear, God? No, Satan, the great tempter ( Matthew 4:3 ). Does the Bible not explicitly say that God Himself does not tempt? God lets Satan tempt ( 1 Corinthians 10:13 ). * Please refer “Medicine” in the “A-Z Subject” page ** Please refer “Drug - Pharmaceutical Drugs” on the “A-Z Subject” page James 1:13 “Let no one being tempted say, "I am being tempted by God." For God is unable to be tempted by evils, and He Himself tempts no one.” - Berean Literal Bible And did Paul not say to Timothy that God did not give us a spirit of fear? 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control.” - Berean Study Bible Yes, God is the Creator of everything, but for the evil He created ( Isaiah 45:7 ), He made Satan His general, the ruler of the world ( John 14:30 ). Fear has its origin at the hands of Satan. That is his job. After having deceived Adam and Eve (who had known no previous fear) into disobedience, their life of peace was turned into a life of fear. A life of fear is stripped of freedom and thus no life at all and their life turned into spiritual DEATH , because of disobedience having eaten from the “tree of knowledge, of good and evil” God forbade them doing. They did not ackowledge God and were not in Him anymore. So they tasted spiritual death indeed. Is the so- called ‘Christian’ in Christ today? No. They do not acknowledge Him, nor His act of grace. And if one is not in Christ, then one is in death. This ‘church’ operates in death and darkness. Please read what Jesus said about the dead burying the dead in Luke 9:60 . Genesis 3:10 ““I heard Your voice in the garden,” he replied, “and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.”” - Berean Study Bible Luke 9:59-60 59  And He said to another, "Follow Me." But he said, "Lord, allow me first, having gone away, to bury my father.“ 60  And He said to him, "Leave the dead to bury their own dead; but you, having gone forth, declare the kingdom of God."” - Berean Literal Bible To be IN Christ is to give HIM preference above all! To be IN Christ is to have LIFE! Fear has been kept intact by Satan ever since and when it comes to false ‘Christianity’, the fabricated ‘everlasting hellfire’ is his greatest success story ever, still playing itself out. The focus here is the everlasting ”, the most unsettling adjective added by biased scribes of doom. The most misinterpreted word in the Bible Playing with “eternity” (and all its inflections) is playing with God… the Fire! See below the radical difference between two versions of the same verse. Matthew 25:41 “"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” - New International Version Matthew 25:41 “Then shall he say also to those on the left hand, Go ye from me, the cursed, to the fire, the age-during, that hath been prepared for the Devil and his messengers;” - Young’s Literal Translation In ALL the Greek versions only “aiōnion- αιωνιον” (of the age) are reflected. Now which of the two versions above resonates with you… the eternal fire one, or the age-during one? Preference of the billions false ‘Christians’, both historically and presently alike, points to the first version . Are you one of those, reading here? You know of course that an eon (and its inflection eonion ) is a very long period, but with a limited (cut-off) duration. If you fall under ‘eternal-hell-believing’ society, then your preference goes without saying. Ecclesiastes 3:11 “…He has also set eternity in their heart , yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.” - NASB 1995 Ecclesiastes 3:11 explicitly states that God made “eternity” unknown to man ( #5769 ), keeping it locked up within his- or her innermost being… the heart. How arrogant can one get… thinking he/she can unlock that which God keeps locked. Unlock with what key? The key that opens the [wrong] door of deceit. Nobody knows what eternity means. “Eternity” is still a mystery to be disclosed by God Himself at the time where there will no more time anymore… only the endless present bliss of ALL humanity within Him! Please read Revelation 21:4 . For the Christian believing in the unlimited atonement of Christ’s Blood, eternity poses no threat at all. Only eternal joy comes to mind. However, when this ‘eternity’ is portrayed to vulnerant people as being tied to ‘endless’ torment in a ‘hellfire’ upon disbelief, this is as much inhumane cruelty as it is human control in its worst form. The numbers of those believing in this fallacy of eternal punishment is the transparent proof of Satan’s brilliant success. Let’s see what Jeremiah far back in his time already had to say about scribes… Jeremiah 8:8 “"'How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?” - New International Version And what do modern scribes do? They change “age-long” into “eternal”. The reality of “eternity” is for the [true] believer not yet a reality on earth, but rather a joyful inner experience of the shadow of the reality thereof, the reality that will be experienced in the future within Christ ( Colossians 2:14- 20 ) Paul was in paradise ( 2 Corinthians 12:4 ) and after that he could not wait to go ( Philippians 1:23 ) and be with Christ. Life on earth is determined by limited time and to imagine torture in a vacuum of timelessness must be downright frightening to any unbeliever. This is not even mentioning the fear that is imprinted in the small children of these unbelievers. To burden a child at such a vulnerable age already and have him or her grow up with this horrible lie is beyond sadness. This fear stays within that child all the way. Fear keeps people captive and in chains. I recall the incident when a man from the Seventh Day Adventist was in our home many years ago. When I told him that there is no such thing as an everlasting hell of condemnation, his exact words were “Willien, I cringe inside. I want to believe you, but what if you are wrong!?“ What a classical reaction of fear that was. It has not changed to this day… a reaction spanning across ALL denominations of this so-called reformed ‘Christian’ church, as well as the Catholic church and Orthodox church for that matter! This reaction, however, has many faces. The most common forms are total silence, sarcasm, anger, or the pretence to agree to avoid an argument. All these we experienced over the years. How can anybody in his- or her right mind reconcile everlasting torment for billions upon billions with a God of love? How can anyone with a PhD qualification and a title like Prof., or Dr. in the faculty of Theology believe in such nonsense, if not at the deceiving hand of Satan… nevertheless pre-orchestrated by God? Pre-orchestrated? Yes! God deliberately created academic institutions, especially theologian faculties; firstly to be idolised by man and then secondly for man to taste their foolish- and futile teachings. Futile? Yes! Did the world become a better place? No! Quite the contrary. Did it become healthier? No! The world is sick to the bone. Do the so-called ‘Christians’ have inner peace and joy? No! The church is full of hatred! Reality shows all over. Wisdom ONLY comes from the Holy Spirit! See below. Matthew 11:25 “At that time Jesus declared, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” - Berean Study Bible And why would Jesus, who IS love, say the following if He did not have the wonderful end result in sight for ALL mankind? By the way, what is this “fire” Jesus talks about? It is the Fire Himself. He is the purifying Fire that will purify ALL humanity into loving Kingdom citizens, salting them with Fire. Luke 12:49 “”I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” - New International Version Mark 9:49 “For everyone will be salted with fire.” - Berean Literal Bible His purification happened on earth for the apostle Paul and his followers ( 1 Corinthians 11:32 ). They were not destined for the second death purification, but they tremendously suffered nonetheless. Moreover, they delighted in their suffering, because they shared in the suffering of Christ. 1 Peter 4:13 “But rejoice that you share in the sufferings of The Messiah, for in this way also you shall rejoice and be jubilant in the revelation of his glory.” - Aramaic Bible in Plain English How can we ever expect to share in the everlasting glory and joy of Christ, His glory of unfathomable magnitude, without us having gone through extreme suffering ourselves? Unbearable carnal suffering is what it takes to pass the compulsory fire test of genuine faith, the faith in Romans 4:5 . Running to counselling rooms for comfort is to just keep one from doing the test. In this test there is no feel-good therapy, only painful correction. Moreover, with this test there is only One Counsellor and His Name is Jesus Christ ( Isaiah 9:6 ). Playing counsellor is putting the focus on man, not the Christ of the apostle Paul. All so-called church counsellors are doing their counselling in the name of their false ‘christ’. Doesn’t the Bible say in Jeremiah 17:5 that those consulting man is under a curse? Playing counsellor is feeding the ego, not crushing it. In [True] Jesus Christ there is no ego, only fulfilment. 1 Peter 1:7 “Such trials show the proven character of your faith, which is much more valuable than gold- -gold that is tested by fire, even though it is passing away--and will bring praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” - NET Bible And what is the “joy” Jesus talks about in the next verse below? Joy of annihilating the billions mentioned above? Absurd beyond! Jesus’ joy was because of the end result for ALL people! And this immense joy was the focus of the Messiah! He delighted in His joy afterwards with all mankind beforehand already. And so all of us must also put our joyful focus on Christ, not on His suffering, but on His resurrection, on our behalf, unto eternal life with Him. Being baptized in Him, is to be resurrected with Him. THAT is the hope True Christianity gives. Baptism * within false Christianity has no power at all and is of no meaning whatsoever! * Please refer “Baptism” on the “A-Z Subject” page Hebrews 12:2 “keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set out for him he endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.” - NET Bible What is the most common phrase of [however, well-meant] urgent warning comments below social media videos to those on the receiving end of natural catastrophes like landslides, earthquakes and floods today? Something to the effect of “turn to Jesus now and repent, before it is too late!” Too late for what? All this is forcing people [yet again] into calling Jesus out of fear for ‘eternal hell’, and not out of love for His sacrifice for them. What they need to hear is Jesus has died for you too, because of His love for you. His shed Blood already saved you and you have already inherited eternal life. Call His Name out of gratitude, not out of fear. All is well. He is in control! This is the kind of message people in distress need to hear, a message of hope in a ‘hopeless’ situation. Whoever is reading here, please rejoice, for you too will know the Christ of the Bible and will have ONLY joy and fulfilment with Him forever and ever. Jeremiah 31:34 “No longer will each man teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more.”” - Berean Study Bible True Christianity has nothing to do with man-made buildings. True Christianity has ALL to do with the heart within a person. There is only one place where the God of the Bible tangibly resides and that is within the hearts of those who believe in the un limited redemptive act of Christ at Golgotha. True Christianity is the love that radiates from within. What’s in the heart is revealed on the surface. When one has the True Christ within one it is impossible not to have a joy that is able to overshadow any adversity, because of the hope one has. The powerful Act of Christ that tore the temple curtain of separation in two, gave free access for all people to the sanctuary of peace and safety. If a person is at peace within, all those around him or her will know it. As an outsider, just test an ‘eternal-hell-believing‘ ‘Christian’ by questioning his or her faith and see how he or she reacts. Professors and prominent university figures in Theology faculties on high seats included. It does not take much to force their hidden conceit to surface. What’s going on in the heart is by nature difficult to contain. By their self proclaimed “free will” and “free choice” they have denied themselves the inner sanctuary of Christ and are thus kept from entering it by the very Christ they resist, the Christ who has no favorites ( Romans 2:11 ). Hebrews 6:19 “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, sure and steadfast, which reaches inside behind the curtain,” - NET Bible Paul clearly attests here of the secure anchor of hope they had, only having had to reach deep within their hearts, their sanctuaries where Christ resides. No use running elsewhere for comfort. Comfort is within ourselves, within Christ! Experience is proof! All’s well that ends well. All will have eternal life. There will be NO everlasting hell. “ALL”? True Christians, fake ‘Christians’, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Sikhs, etc. EVERYBODY! If you read here and you’re in distress in a seemingly hopeless situation, even if you do not even have a Bible, just call the TRUE Jesus’ Name. He is alive. He will hear you! Romans 4:5 “But to the one who does not work, but believes in the one who declares the ungodly righteous , his faith is credited as righteousness.” - NET Bible The “one who does not work” in Romans 4:5 is the one under the law of grace and not under the law of Moses, thus indicating the one regarding him-, or herself to be a Christian. The “ungodly” in this verse is the one disrespecting God, the one not believing in Him. This verse also clearly states that God in His love also declares the unbelieving- and disrespecting person to be justified (righteous), to be acquitted from all his- or her sins, the moment of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross. Jesus’ Blood made sin eternally obsolete in having fulfilled the law of Moses forever. There is only one perfect law now as prerequisite for eternal life and that is the law of Christ, the law of Grace. There are no deeds required anymore, only those done out of gratitude! So what is righteous faith at its core? It is believing that God has declared the unbelieving person to be acquitted of all sin, to have been reconciled with God and thus declared worthy of everlasting life with Him. However, does this verse say that God has declared the faith of this unbelieving person to be righteous too? No, not at all. This is significant because only with righteous faith can one enter the heavenly Kingdom of God. This in fact means that, although eternal life in heaven is already a done deal for the [now-declared-righteous] unbelieving person as well, it is STILL imperative for this person to also have acquired righteous faith before entering this heavenly Kingdom of God. Very important to realize here is also that fake ‘Christians’ do NOT believe this verse! This is the most important verse in the Bible when it comes to representing the faith that encapsulates true Christianity . By the same token it is the most threatening verse in the Bible that crushes the ‘everlasting hell damnation’ dogma of false christianity ’, a dogma preached from pulpits around the world to this day! This is the verse totally ignored on these religious platforms, because of running the risk losing millions upon millions of ignorant paying members, who sustain a global codependency institution under the umbrella of ‘Christendom’. Codependency? Yes, financial exploitation on one side and a weekly feasting on the ‘feel-good- self-centered-hour’ on the other. Harsh words yes, but not harsh enough when it comes to the abominable scorn of the Blood of Christ. To subject His Blood to the ‘choice’ of man is the most shameful insult possible! Not believing Romans 4:5 puts all the ‘hell-believing Christians’ in the same category as the aforementioned unbeliever. It cannot be stressed enough the extreme importance of having righteous faith in order to meet with Christ in the air upon His second coming, being spared the painful disciplinary correction of God in the “Lake of Fire” ( Revelation 21:8 ; 1 Corinthians 15:26 ). The apostle Paul had this righteous faith. That is why God had him write Romans 4:5 . The Bible is very clear on this. All the nations will hear this message of joy and then the end will come! Christ in fact commanded His disciples shortly after His resurrection to have this good news proclaimed to all the nations and unto repentance. So what happened? The lie crept in. Where? At the Synod of Nicene in the time of Constantine I. The subsequent false message has been going around the world for nearly 1,700 years now and worst is that heresy has become the ‘truth’, the norm taken for granted, the so-called reformed church of 500 years as well. It drags the lie with it all along to this day. Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” - Berean Study Bible What does “saint” mean? It simply means “set aside”, or “holy”, Set aside JUST as you are, NOT dressed up in special clothes that portrays exclusivity to draw attention ( Matthew 6:5 ), NOT having to walk around with a ‘pious’ face, NOT having to speak in a fabricated sanctimonious voice tone, NOT having to stand out to draw attention on a pulpit surrounded with candles, or within an artificial atmosphere of ‘holiness’. Jesus was SO inconspicuous, that Judas had to kiss Jesus to identify Him for the mob to arrest Him ( Mark 14:44 ). Whoever you are, whatever you’ve done, whatever you NOW believe, whatever language you speak, wherever you come from, whatever skin colour you have… you have eternal life already! You are set aside! Set aside for WHOM? For the ALMIGHTY GOD of the universe, the God of the Bible, the God who loves EVERYONE, including YOU! The God who already reconciled you to HIMSELF with Jesus’ sacrificial Blood. Call His Name, Jesus Christ ! He is alive! He is the Living God! Believe that He has saved ALL mankind already and you will be spared the painful (but temporary) second death and will take part in the FIRST resurrection when Jesus will be revealed at His second coming ( Revelation 20:6 )! 1 Peter 1:16 “for it is written: “ Be holy, because I am holy.”” - Berean Study Bible 1 Peter 1:16 διότι γέγραπται ὅτι Ἅγιοι ἔσεσθε, ὅτι ἐγὼ ἅγιος. - Westcott & Hort 1881 #1360 #1125 #3754 #40 #1510 #3754 #1473 #40 διότι γέγραπται ὅτι Ἅγιοι ἔσεσθε, ὅτι ἐγὼ ἅγιος. dioti gegraptai hoti Hagioi esesthe, hoti egō hagios. “,in as much as it has been written because Holy you [be], because I holy.” Please read the whole 1 Peter 1. Isaiah 25:6-9 6  On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine— the best of meats and the finest of wines. 7  On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; 8  he will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove his people’s disgrace from all the earth. The LORD has spoken. 9  In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the LORD, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”” - New International Version Jesus has the last say in the last verse in the Bible! Revelation 22:21 Ἡ χάρις τοῦ Κυρίου Ἰησοῦ μετὰ πάντων. “Hē charis tou Kyriou Iēsou meta pantōn” “The grace of the Lord Jesus with all.” - Nestle Greek New Testament 1904 The “saints” and “Amen” added at the end in most versions, are correctly omitted here, because all are saints! Exclusivity, proclaimed by false ‘Christianity’ is completely crushed here. TRUE CHRISTIANITY thus welcomes ALL people to be part of God’s Holy Family ALREADY. HALLELUJAH For more detail around this page please visit the A-Z Subjects. Please visit our other website, , should you be interested.
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Last Updated: 18.02.2025
Copyright © 2020 to 2025 Willien Strutz All rights reserved. Webmaster: Hans-Joachim Strutz A to Z Subjects
Jesus has ALREADY saved the world! John 3:17 “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” - New International Version Which one of these two verses do you choose? Careful, because God sees your heart! John 3:17 ““For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” - NASB 1995 Please notice here how incongruently this verse is handled. The first part is correctly translated with the into the world to judge the world ”, expressing the purposefulness of God . The second part reflects quite the opposite, expressing the doubtfulness of God ! On both occasions the Greek ἵνα ”(#2443) is reflected. The Greek ἵνα (#2443) means in order to ”, or “simply to ”. Why all of a sudden the turnaround in the second part to express doubt regarding the salvation by Christ? Why not ALSO translate with to save the world ”? Too dangerous, because the ‘everlasting damnation’ dogma will fall flat, with the whole church tumbling down. This playing with grammar has a painful implication for the scribes behind it. They are playing with fire and so do those who accept these added little modal auxiliaries (like “might”). The “might” is a doubt sower! The God of the Bible is a God of PURPOSE! God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ TO SAVE the world FIRST as Christ the Saviour. Thereafter comes the judgement by Christ the Judge of the world ( 2 Corinthians 5:10 ). No use to conveniently focus on John 3:16 only, especially with reference to “those who believe”. ALL will believe as Jesus is the Originator and the Perfecter of faith alike ( Hebrews 12:2 ). Those who do NOT believe that Jesus has already saved the whole world with His death, WILL face Christ on Judgement day! What Jesus came to do in this world, He DID! John 19:28-30 28  After this, Jesus, knowing that all things had already been finished , in order to finish the Scripture , said, “I am thirsty .” 29  A jar full of sour wine was standing there; so they put a sponge full of the sour wine upon a branch of hyssop and brought it up to His mouth. 30  Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, It is finished! And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.” - Legacy Standard Bible Please go check all the Bible versions stating the “that Scripture might be fulfilled”. kept away from the whole world to this day and by none other than the current 2.3 billion                    ‘Christians’! giving inner peace and calm in a turbulent world of harm fuelling conflict and unrest disgracing Christ and failing the test One cannot acknowledge the truth while denying the fallacy. One cannot acknowledge the fallacy without admitting reality. There is no religion in the world that has to date caused so much pain and suffering as the religion that operated under the name of “Christianity” since 325 CE. And the worst part of all is that it still, after nearly 1,700 years, proclaims to be representative of the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. If you want to talk about heresy, then you need not go any further. This ‘Christianity’ you know today is a heretic society saturated with conceit, control, hypocrisy, division, malice, hatred, arrogance, cowardice, bitterness, envy, greed, jealousy, interpersonal strife, gossip, slander, cyberbullying amongst themselves, backstabbing, codependency, and the list goes on and on and on. And why all this? Because false ‘Christianity’ is a religion, bound to rules and woven in fear. True Christianity is NOT a religion. It’s expressing the freedom of being woven in love within the Presence of Christ. The so-called ‘Christian church is not free at all. There is only ONE reason for this. The Spirit of Christ is not present in this diverse community of 2.3 billion with all its millions of church buildings around the world ( Acts 7:48 ). Christ is not where pomp and frills, pious rituals, arousing drums on stages, Jewish feast upholding, ‘everlasting hell’- supporting “donate” buttons on ministry websites and money love are present. Although this church, in the name of “Christianity”, is so multidenominational, the three common features shared by all of them are eternal damnation ”, rules and rituals ”, whether from the Synod of Nicene, or from the Torah. All their grace- rejecting rules and rituals are but shackles of slavery to ‘clear’ their guilty consciences and get a ‘sanctifying stamp of approval’. But, in vain. Frustration with the inability to uphold their pretentious piety and insecurity are what cause their behaviour. This church has been going out into the world for centuries, preaching the lie of an everlasting condemnation, to millions upon millions of ignorant people, ridiculing the grace of Christ and feasting on their fear. They force vulnerable third world communities into believing in the false ‘Christ’ who will ‘annihilate them in a hell fire’, should they disbelieve. Do these missionaries bring the good news of Christ at all? Needless to answer. What these church members are totally oblivious about is the fact that they themselves are destined to land in this very ‘hellfire’ they threaten their audiences with. But there is an incomparable difference between the ‘hellfire’ they proclaim and the ‘hellfire’ of Revelation 21:8 , the latter being the temporary second death of discipline (Lake of Fire), which will be conquered by Christ ( 1 Corinthians 15:26 ), when He has brought all to life again. Thank God. It’s all about spiritual life. Those in the true Christ today already has spiritual eternal life and are spared the Lake of Fiery discipline. Revelation 21:8 ““But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars , their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”” - NASB 1995 What’s more, because of this atrocious lie these very church members make themselves guilty of the unpardonable sin the Bible talks about, the trespass that secures a punishment in the most intense fashion they will not get away from, as is reflected in Matthew 12:31- 32 and Hebrews 10:28-29 . “Unforgiven” simply means “to not getting away without punishment”. The Blood of Christ is not to be played with, ever! What does this “everlasting condemnation” lie they proclaim mean? It means that Jesus’ shed Blood was in vain and did not have the power to save those who did not choose Him, making His Blood subordinate to the ‘choice’ of man. And not only that, Who raised Jesus from the dead? His (Jesus’) Holy Spirit did that ( Romans 8:11 ). Are there three Holy Spirits? No, only One! Jesus IS the Holy Spirit and He told his disciples that in John 14:17 . His Holy Spirit gave eternal life to ALL ( Romans 8:10 ). False ‘Christianity’ rejects this by proclaiming eternal death and thus insulting the Holy Spirit! Hebrews 10:28-29 28  Anyone having set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercies on the basis of two or three witnesses. 29  How much worse punishment do you think will he deserve, the one having trampled upon the Son of God, and having esteemed ordinary the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and having insulted the Spirit of grace?” - Berean Literal Bible Done deal The apostle Paul did not acknowledge Jesus when he prosecuted the church ( Acts 8:3 and Galatians 1:13 ), thus having trampled upon Jesus’ Blood too. Did Paul get away with that? No. He suffered dearly ( Acts 9:16) because of it, in spite of the fact that he radically repented and was Baptized into Christ (the True Christ). However, because of his newly-acquired righteous faith and subsequent [true] Baptism , Jesus’ Power and Grace was upon him to finish his calling to spread the True Gospel ( 2 Corinthians 12:19 ). Having said all this, what does it boil down to for one still alive? The moment one realizes one’s personal trampling on Christ’s Blood, has immense remorse, confesses this terrible trespass, radically repents, openly admits the Truth about Jesus’ unlimited atonement for all humanity and gets Baptized * into this True Christ with joy (and not with ANY fear element of the old belief still present), he or she is spared God’s coming correction in the “Lake of Fire” ( 1 Corinthians 11:32) . Eternal Grace is as it is already in place even though temporary suffering accompanies this Grace. But the lovely HOPE one then has, makes indeed this suffering worth one’s while. It is by far better to have this suffering taken place on earth already than in the ‘Lake of Fire’ afterwards. THIS is the meaning of 1 Corinthians 11:32 . * Please refer “Baptism” in the “A-Z Subject” page And what about those having died, without having known Christ, let alone acknowledged Him? Every one of them will know Him and acknowledge Him and He will be not far away from anyone ( Jeremiah 31:34 and Acts 17:27 ). Remember God is a God of discipline, but He is also fair. Those who knew Him and still did not acknowledge Him will be given many stripes, but those who did not know Him will get few stripes ( Luke 12:47- 48 ). The ultimate glory with God awaiting all does not come on a silver platter for anyone. But He will be there WITH everyone, in sheol and the Gehenna alike. He will draw everyone unto Himself, because of His Love ( John 12:32 )! Matthew 12:31-32 31  For this reason I tell you, people will be forgiven for every sin and blasphemy, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32  Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” - NET Bible Please notice the either in this age or the age to come here. An “age” has always to do with time. This verse does not talk about eternity, simply because “eternity” is something nobody can imagine, let alone define, because it has nothing to do with time at all ( Ecclesiastes 3:11 ). What does this verse say in effect? Even this extreme trespass will NOT be punished ‘forever’, but only within a limited time period before eternity commences. Eternity will only take place upon the white robes washed in the Blood of Christ, the washed robes of all humanity ( Revelation 7:14 ). THIS is the Good News! These fear-filled fear mongering church members not only deny themselves the indescribable peace and joy which the grace of the true Jesus gives; they also deny their listeners that as well. How? Firstly, they do not know the true Jesus. Secondly, they engage in having their followers share in their personal fear, the fear of an ‘eternal’ hellfire. So they keep kindling fear within their peaceless audiences, sustaining lie-forwarding communities, and so history repeats itself generation after generation, keeping the world filled with fear. Didn’t King Solomon say in Ecclesiastes 1:9 that there is nothing new under the sun? What was will be again? Romans 1:28-32 28  Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29  They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, 30  slanderers, God- haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. They invent new forms of evil; they disobey their parents. 31  They are senseless, faithless, heartless, merciless. 32  Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them” - Berean Study Bible Matthew 10:32 “Therefore everyone who will confess in Me before men, I also will confess in him before My Father in the heavens.” - Berean Literal Bible When Hans-Joachim and I enthusiastically confess this Jesus above, the Jesus who died for all and saved all, everyone we are sharing it with here on this beautiful southern point of Africa simply keeps quiet. No response whatsoever, ever. So much so for a country seeing itself as predominantly eighty percent (80%) ‘Christian’. Of course I refer to South Africa here. Who is their Christ? If their Christ were our Christ, then surely they would have rejoiced WITH us, not so? Well, it’s just the opposite. But, there’s more. If I directly confront anyone face to face with the question “do you believe in an everlasting hell of condemnation?”, or even mentioning Romans 4:5 for that matter, then throughout comes the immediate hesitance to respond at all, completely as if frozen. In a face to face situation it is more difficult to show true emotions, because ‘Christians’ are ‘supposed’ to always behave piously and calmly. This face to face confrontation in person immediately throws them all off balance. A huge dilemma. But the picture gets uglier when confessing the true Christ in a telephonic conversation to these church members. Then this immediate face to face threat is absent and gives room for a faceless provocative backlash of either sneering sarcasm, or malicious rage. Attack is usually the best way of defence in circumstances like these. This is not a situation they experience from fellow ‘believers’ and therefore a foreign one to deal with. It’s like sudden xenophobia in a homogenous religious community when confronted by an outspoken outsider around their faith. Difficult situations always determine the validity of one’s faith. The worst of all are the cases I’ve experienced in which I have brought up the subject of the Christ of unlimited atonement to multiple PhD reverends, theologian professors and even with one as far up as a former rector of a university. One time when I confronted a certain professor, he even responded with a “you are not talking to an ordinary man here”. Titled people from academic institutions do not tolerate questioning from ‘commoners’. All the above scenarios speak book volumes of conceit, insecurity and fear. But, for Hans-Joachim and me it’s impossible not to relentlessly carry on, speaking our minds amidst this Goliath ‘church’. God, through a courageous and tiny David, conquered the giant enemy way back with one tiny pebble, together with His Power. Here we see that the so-called ‘Christian church’ with its big numbers are not representative of power at all, but representative of cowardice. Its members are singularly avoiding us when it comes to faith, which is nothing else but cowardice. Cowardice is usually masked amidst hordes. Those running away are the losers and it takes only ONE person who has the Power of the true Christ within to conquer this 2.3 billion church with a few words only, a few Bible verses for that matter. The ‘church’ is the representation of denialism. How many little ‘Davids’ are left in this world today? To be in the true Jesus Christ is to be in power… HIS Power! And this is nothing to boast about. To be in His Power is pure grace. See this therefore as a wake-up call and pledge to all to yearn for this Power. God first of all addresses the “cowardly” in Revelation 21:8 . Luke 21:15 “For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all those opposing you will not be able to resist nor to reply to.” - Berean Literal Bible What better proof is there when present reality is backed up with God’s Word? But, let’s see what Jesus Himself has to say about “many” and “few”. Matthew 7:22-23 22  Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23  Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’” - Berean Study Bible In whose name do the 2.3 billion Christians prophesy? In the name of Jesus, right? Well, which one, the True Jesus, or the false Jesus? And what law is Jesus talking about here? The law of Christ. At the time of Jesus' resurrection, this law came into effect, the Law of Grace for all people. Grace rejected by 2.3 billion false 'Christians'! False 'Christians' love to hate, point fingers, enjoy revenge, enjoy their enemies going to 'eternal hell'! False 'Christians' imitate the false 'Christ'! False 'Christians' are playing into Satan's hands! False 'Christians' are members of the biggest cult in the world! Luke 18:7-8 7  Will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry out to Him day and night? Will He continue to defer their help? 8  I tell you, He will promptly carry out justice on their behalf. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth ?”” - Berean Study Bible Matthew 22:14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.”” - Berean Study Bible It is loud and clear here that God’s first elect is only a few ( Matthew 7:14 ), in spite of the fact that eventually all people will be elected as well ( 1 Corinthians 15:23 ; Ezekiel 18:4-32 ; Ezekiel 36:26 ). This small elect cry out to God day and night. Who will cry out day and night to God? Those in distress. Are 2.3 billion, who spend so much time on social media, crying out to God in distress? Please be real. And also, why would Jesus have asked if He would still find faith when He returns, you think? Because He knew He would not, but His elect. Where does the 2.3 billion come in? Think about this. You can still be one of the few. Satan uses this convenient tool of FEAR to control people, to scare them away not only from nature’s true medicine * , but primarily to scare people away from the true Christ! Satan feasts upon the innate nature of man, the nature of fearfulness. That is why he is SO successful with the pharmaceutical industry ** ! Who is the ruler of fear, God? No, Satan, the great tempter ( Matthew 4:3 ). Does the Bible not explicitly say that God Himself does not tempt? God lets Satan tempt ( 1 Corinthians 10:13 ). * Please refer “Medicine” in the “A-Z Subject” page ** Please refer “Drug - Pharmaceutical Drugs” on the “A-Z Subject” page James 1:13 “Let no one being tempted say, "I am being tempted by God." For God is unable to be tempted by evils, and He Himself tempts no one.” - Berean Literal Bible And did Paul not say to Timothy that God did not give us a spirit of fear? 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self- control.” - Berean Study Bible Yes, God is the Creator of everything, but for the evil He created ( Isaiah 45:7 ), He made Satan His general, the ruler of the world ( John 14:30 ). Fear has its origin at the hands of Satan. That is his job. After having deceived Adam and Eve (who had known no previous fear) into disobedience, their life of peace was turned into a life of fear. A life of fear is stripped of freedom and thus no life at all and their life turned into spiritual DEATH , because of disobedience having eaten from the “tree of knowledge, of good and evil” God forbade them doing. They did not ackowledge God and were not in Him anymore. So they tasted spiritual death indeed. Is the so- called ‘Christian’ in Christ today? No. They do not acknowledge Him, nor His act of grace. And if one is not in Christ, then one is in death. This ‘church’ operates in death and darkness. Please read what Jesus said about the dead burying the dead in Luke 9:60 . Genesis 3:10 ““I heard Your voice in the garden,” he replied, “and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.”” - Berean Study Bible Luke 9:59-60 59  And He said to another, "Follow Me." But he said, "Lord, allow me first, having gone away, to bury my father.“ 60  And He said to him, "Leave the dead to bury their own dead; but you, having gone forth, declare the kingdom of God."” - Berean Literal Bible To be IN Christ is to give HIM preference above all! To be IN Christ is to have LIFE! Fear has been kept intact by Satan ever since and when it comes to false ‘Christianity’, the fabricated ‘everlasting hellfire’ is his greatest success story ever, still playing itself out. The focus here is the everlasting ”, the most unsettling adjective added by biased scribes of doom. The most misinterpreted word in the Bible Playing with “eternity” (and all its inflections) is playing with God… the Fire! See below the radical difference between two versions of the same verse. Matthew 25:41 “"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” - New International Version Matthew 25:41 “Then shall he say also to those on the left hand, Go ye from me, the cursed, to the fire, the age-during, that hath been prepared for the Devil and his messengers;” - Young’s Literal Translation In ALL the Greek versions only “aiōnion- αιωνιον” (of the age) are reflected. Now which of the two versions above resonates with you… the eternal fire one, or the age-during one? Preference of the billions false ‘Christians’, both historically and presently alike, points to the first version . Are you one of those, reading here? You know of course that an eon (and its inflection eonion ) is a very long period, but with a limited (cut-off) duration. If you fall under ‘eternal-hell-believing’ society, then your preference goes without saying. Ecclesiastes 3:11 “…He has also set eternity in their heart , yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.” - NASB 1995 Ecclesiastes 3:11 explicitly states that God made “eternity” unknown to man ( #5769 ), keeping it locked up within his- or her innermost being… the heart. How arrogant can one get… thinking he/she can unlock that which God keeps locked. Unlock with what key? The key that opens the [wrong] door of deceit. Nobody knows what eternity means. “Eternity” is still a mystery to be disclosed by God Himself at the time where there will no more time anymore… only the endless present bliss of ALL humanity within Him! Please read Revelation 21:4 . For the Christian believing in the unlimited atonement of Christ’s Blood, eternity poses no threat at all. Only eternal joy comes to mind. However, when this ‘eternity’ is portrayed to vulnerant people as being tied to ‘endless’ torment in a ‘hellfire’ upon disbelief, this is as much inhumane cruelty as it is human control in its worst form. The numbers of those believing in this fallacy of eternal punishment is the transparent proof of Satan’s brilliant success. Let’s see what Jeremiah far back in his time already had to say about scribes… Jeremiah 8:8 “"'How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?” - New International Version And what do modern scribes do? They change “age-long” into “eternal”. The reality of “eternity” is for the [true] believer not yet a reality on earth, but rather a joyful inner experience of the shadow of the reality thereof, the reality that will be experienced in the future within Christ ( Colossians 2:14- 20 ) Paul was in paradise ( 2 Corinthians 12:4 ) and after that he could not wait to go ( Philippians 1:23 ) and be with Christ. Life on earth is determined by limited time and to imagine torture in a vacuum of timelessness must be downright frightening to any unbeliever. This is not even mentioning the fear that is imprinted in the small children of these unbelievers. To burden a child at such a vulnerable age already and have him or her grow up with this horrible lie is beyond sadness. This fear stays within that child all the way. Fear keeps people captive and in chains. I recall the incident when a man from the Seventh Day Adventist was in our home many years ago. When I told him that there is no such thing as an everlasting hell of condemnation, his exact words were “Willien, I cringe inside. I want to believe you, but what if you are wrong!?“ What a classical reaction of fear that was. It has not changed to this day… a reaction spanning across ALL denominations of this so-called reformed ‘Christian’ church, as well as the Catholic church and Orthodox church for that matter! This reaction, however, has many faces. The most common forms are total silence, sarcasm, anger, or the pretence to agree to avoid an argument. All these we experienced over the years. How can anybody in his- or her right mind reconcile everlasting torment for billions upon billions with a God of love? How can anyone with a PhD qualification and a title like Prof., or Dr. in the faculty of Theology believe in such nonsense, if not at the deceiving hand of Satan… nevertheless pre-orchestrated by God? Pre-orchestrated? Yes! God deliberately created academic institutions, especially theologian faculties; firstly to be idolised by man and then secondly for man to taste their foolish- and futile teachings. Futile? Yes! Did the world become a better place? No! Quite the contrary. Did it become healthier? No! The world is sick to the bone. Do the so- called ‘Christians’ have inner peace and joy? No! The church is full of hatred! Reality shows all over. Wisdom ONLY comes from the Holy Spirit! See below. Matthew 11:25 “At that time Jesus declared, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” - Berean Study Bible And why would Jesus, who IS love, say the following if He did not have the wonderful end result in sight for ALL mankind? By the way, what is this “fire” Jesus talks about? It is the Fire Himself. He is the purifying Fire that will purify ALL humanity into loving Kingdom citizens, salting them with Fire. Luke 12:49 “”I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” - New International Version Mark 9:49 “For everyone will be salted with fire.” - Berean Literal Bible His purification happened on earth for the apostle Paul and his followers ( 1 Corinthians 11:32 ). They were not destined for the second death purification, but they tremendously suffered nonetheless. Moreover, they delighted in their suffering, because they shared in the suffering of Christ. 1 Peter 4:13 “But rejoice that you share in the sufferings of The Messiah, for in this way also you shall rejoice and be jubilant in the revelation of his glory.” - Aramaic Bible in Plain English How can we ever expect to share in the everlasting glory and joy of Christ, His glory of unfathomable magnitude, without us having gone through extreme suffering ourselves? Unbearable carnal suffering is what it takes to pass the compulsory fire test of genuine faith, the faith in Romans 4:5 . Running to counselling rooms for comfort is to just keep one from doing the test. In this test there is no feel-good therapy, only painful correction. Moreover, with this test there is only One Counsellor and His Name is Jesus Christ ( Isaiah 9:6 ). Playing counsellor is putting the focus on man, not the Christ of the apostle Paul. All so-called church counsellors are doing their counselling in the name of their false ‘christ’. Doesn’t the Bible say in Jeremiah 17:5 that those consulting man is under a curse? Playing counsellor is feeding the ego, not crushing it. In [True] Jesus Christ there is no ego, only fulfilment. 1 Peter 1:7 “Such trials show the proven character of your faith, which is much more valuable than gold--gold that is tested by fire, even though it is passing away--and will bring praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” - NET Bible And what is the “joy” Jesus talks about in the next verse below? Joy of annihilating the billions mentioned above? Absurd beyond! Jesus’ joy was because of the end result for ALL people! And this immense joy was the focus of the Messiah! He delighted in His joy afterwards with all mankind beforehand already. And so all of us must also put our joyful focus on Christ, not on His suffering, but on His resurrection, on our behalf, unto eternal life with Him. Being baptized in Him, is to be resurrected with Him. THAT is the hope True Christianity gives. Baptism * within false Christianity has no power at all and is of no meaning whatsoever! * Please refer “Baptism” on the “A-Z Subject” page Hebrews 12:2 “keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set out for him he endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.” - NET Bible What is the most common phrase of [however, well- meant] urgent warning comments below social media videos to those on the receiving end of natural catastrophes like landslides, earthquakes and floods today? Something to the effect of “turn to Jesus now and repent, before it is too late!” Too late for what? All this is forcing people [yet again] into calling Jesus out of fear for ‘eternal hell’, and not out of love for His sacrifice for them. What they need to hear is Jesus has died for you too, because of His love for you. His shed Blood already saved you and you have already inherited eternal life. Call His Name out of gratitude, not out of fear. All is well. He is in control! This is the kind of message people in distress need to hear, a message of hope in a ‘hopeless’ situation. Whoever is reading here, please rejoice, for you too will know the Christ of the Bible and will have ONLY joy and fulfilment with Him forever and ever. Jeremiah 31:34 “No longer will each man teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more.”” - Berean Study Bible True Christianity has nothing to do with man-made buildings. True Christianity has ALL to do with the heart within a person. There is only one place where the God of the Bible tangibly resides and that is within the hearts of those who believe in the un limited redemptive act of Christ at Golgotha. True Christianity is the love that radiates from within. What’s in the heart is revealed on the surface. When one has the True Christ within one it is impossible not to have a joy that is able to overshadow any adversity, because of the hope one has. The powerful Act of Christ that tore the temple curtain of separation in two, gave free access for all people to the sanctuary of peace and safety. If a person is at peace within, all those around him or her will know it. As an outsider, just test an ‘eternal-hell-believing‘ ‘Christian’ by questioning his or her faith and see how he or she reacts. Professors and prominent university figures in Theology faculties on high seats included. It does not take much to force their hidden conceit to surface. What’s going on in the heart is by nature difficult to contain. By their self proclaimed “free will” and “free choice” they have denied themselves the inner sanctuary of Christ and are thus kept from entering it by the very Christ they resist, the Christ who has no favorites ( Romans 2:11 ). Hebrews 6:19 “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, sure and steadfast, which reaches inside behind the curtain,” - NET Bible Paul clearly attests here of the secure anchor of hope they had, only having had to reach deep within their hearts, their sanctuaries where Christ resides. No use running elsewhere for comfort. Comfort is within ourselves, within Christ! Experience is proof! All’s well that ends well. All will have eternal life. There will be NO everlasting hell. “ALL”? True Christians, fake ‘Christians’, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Sikhs, etc. EVERYBODY! If you read here and you’re in distress in a seemingly hopeless situation, even if you do not even have a Bible, just call the TRUE Jesus’ Name. He is alive. He will hear you! Romans 4:5 “But to the one who does not work, but believes in the one who declares the ungodly righteous , his faith is credited as righteousness.” - NET Bible The “one who does not work” in Romans 4:5 is the one under the law of grace and not under the law of Moses, thus indicating the one regarding him-, or herself to be a Christian. The “ungodly” in this verse is the one disrespecting God, the one not believing in Him. This verse also clearly states that God in His love also declares the unbelieving- and disrespecting person to be justified (righteous), to be acquitted from all his- or her sins, the moment of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross. Jesus’ Blood made sin eternally obsolete in having fulfilled the law of Moses forever. There is only one perfect law now as prerequisite for eternal life and that is the law of Christ, the law of Grace. There are no deeds required anymore, only those done out of gratitude! So what is righteous faith at its core? It is believing that God has declared the unbelieving person to be acquitted of all sin, to have been reconciled with God and thus declared worthy of everlasting life with Him. However, does this verse say that God has declared the faith of this unbelieving person to be righteous too? No, not at all. This is significant because only with righteous faith can one enter the heavenly Kingdom of God. This in fact means that, although eternal life in heaven is already a done deal for the [now-declared-righteous] unbelieving person as well, it is STILL imperative for this person to also have acquired righteous faith before entering this heavenly Kingdom of God. Very important to realize here is also that fake ‘Christians’ do NOT believe this verse! This is the most important verse in the Bible when it comes to representing the faith that encapsulates true Christianity . By the same token it is the most threatening verse in the Bible that crushes the ‘everlasting hell damnation’ dogma of false christianity ’, a dogma preached from pulpits around the world to this day! This is the verse totally ignored on these religious platforms, because of running the risk losing millions upon millions of ignorant paying members, who sustain a global codependency institution under the umbrella of ‘Christendom’. Codependency? Yes, financial exploitation on one side and a weekly feasting on the ‘feel-good-self- centered-hour’ on the other. Harsh words yes, but not harsh enough when it comes to the abominable scorn of the Blood of Christ. To subject His Blood to the ‘choice’ of man is the most shameful insult possible! Not believing Romans 4:5 puts all the ‘hell-believing Christians’ in the same category as the aforementioned unbeliever. It cannot be stressed enough the extreme importance of having righteous faith in order to meet with Christ in the air upon His second coming, being spared the painful disciplinary correction of God in the “Lake of Fire”